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               clare that the “natural” man (those not born of Isaac’s line) cannot receive
               the things of the spirit of YEHOVAH God. He affirms Yeshua’s statement
               that anyone who is not begotten of the original sowing (in the womb
               of Sarah) cannot see the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God.

               Were the Disciples Converted Before "Pentecost"?

               1. Had Peter, James, John, or any of the disciples of the Messiah, ever so
               much as RECEIVED a full measure of the holy spirit at all until recorded in
               the Book of John? John 20:22.

               COMMENT:  They,  as  descendants  of  Adam  and  Abraham,  did  have  a
               measure or earnest of the holy spirit from conception. Notice the wording in
               this verse and compare it to Genesis 2:7 -- the term “breathed” is used in
               both cases, and John 20:22 identifies it as being the holy spirit.

               Under the Old Covenant, YEHOVAH God had a CHURCH. Israel was both
               a nation, called the "Kingdom of Israel," and a CHURCH, called "The Con-
               gregation  of  Israel." But that church  was a  FLESH-born  church.  It  was
               wholly MATERIAL, fleshly, physical. It was not spiritual apart from having
               the "breath of life". One became a member by FLESH-birth.

               Now here is the point so many have never realized. Under the Old Cove-
               nant THERE WAS NO SALVATION! The people of that church were NOT
               CONVERTED. They did not have a large measure of the holy spirit! That is,
               none except the prophets specially called of YEHOVAH God. David, Elijah,
               and Jeremiah had a large measure of the holy spirit. They were called for
               very special missions.

               But the rank-and-file members of the Old Testament Congregation NEVER
               HAD THE HOLY SPIRIT except for the earnest of the spirit they had from
               conception. You can't find any place where the holy spirit in large measure
               was promised Israel under the OLD COVENANT. Or where salvation and

               eternal life was promised.

               2. Did the animal sacrifices take away the sins of the Old Testament con-
               gregation? Hebrews 10:4.

               COMMENT: Rather, as explained in Hebrews, the animal sacrifices of the
               Old Covenant were merely a reminder of sins! There was no remission of
               sins,  and  therefore  no  salvation  possible,  UNTIL  the  one  and  only  great
               sacrifice was made when Yeshua the Messiah was crucified!

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