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               dwelling spirit and hence no ability to comprehend and believe the things of

               the spirit.

               3. Notice what Philo the Judahite understood about the spiritual component
               of "the Breath of life".

               ““But he [Moses] asserts that the FORMATION of the individual man [Ad-
               am], perceptible by the external senses is A COMPOSITION OF EARTHY
               SUBSTANCE, AND DIVINE SPIRIT. For that body [of Adam] was created
               by the Creator [YEHOVAH God] taking a lump of clay, and fashioning the
               human form out of it; but that the soul proceeds from NO created thing at
               all, but from the Father and Ruler of all things.

               "For  when he [Moses]  uses the expression, 'He  breathed into,' etc., he
               [Moses] MEANS NOTHING ELSE THAN THE DIVINE SPIRIT proceeding
               from that happy and blessed nature [YEHOVAH God], sent to take up its
               habitation  here  on  earth  [in Adam and  his  descendants],  FOR  THE  AD-
               VANTAGE OF OUR [ISRAELITE] RACE, in order that, even if man is mor-
               tal according to that portion of him which is visible, he may at all events be
               [eventually] IMMORTAL according to that portion which is invisible; and for
               this reason, one may properly say that man is on the boundaries of a better
               and an immortal nature [after the resurrection], partaking of each as far as
               it is necessary for him; and that he [man -- descendants of Adam -- Israel-
               ites] was born at the same time, both mortal and immortal.

               "Mortal  as  to  his  body,  but  immortal  [eventually]  as  to  his  intellect"  (The
               Works of Philo, translated by C. D. Yonge. "On the Creation, XLVI (134-

               4. What does Philo go on to say?

               "...for there must be three things, that which breathes in, that which re-
               ceives what is  breathed in, and that which is breathed  in. Now that
               which breathes in IS GOD, that which receives what is breathed in is THE
               MIND [of Adam], and that which is breathed in is THE SPIRIT. What then is
               collected from these three things? A UNION OF THREE takes place,
               through God extending THE POWER, which  proceeds from Himself
               THROUGH THE SPIRIT, which is the middle term, as far as the subject.

               "Why does He [YEHOVAH God] do this, except that we may thus derive A
               PROPER NOTION [idea, belief] of Him? Since HOW could the soul have
               perceived  God if He [YEHOVAH  God] had  not inspired it,  and touched it
               according to  His power? For  human intellect  would  not have  dared to

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