Page 20 - BCCA4
P. 20

               This was its first coming from heaven in great measure to a large number
               of people! And on that day, the newly inspired (John 20:22) disciples also
               received a large measure of YEHOVAH’s spirit to enable their work ahead
               when the risen Messiah breathed on them.

               3. Did Peter quote the prophet Joel at Pentecost? Acts 2:16-18.

               COMMENT:  Now,  at  last,  YEHOVAH  God  had  sent  His  spirit,  as  prom-
               ised, for all flesh of Israel -- all who would repent, and accept Yeshua as
               Saviour, in faith believing!

               John 20:22

               Before receiving the holy spirit, Peter was weak. He lacked faith to cast out
               a demon, or  walk on the  water. He  denied  Yeshua three  times. He  went

               fishing instead of attending to YEHOVAH's Work.

               1. What did the Messiah tell Peter at the last supper? Luke 22:32.

               COMMENT: Now, the question is -- did the disciples receive a large meas-
               ure of the holy spirit when the Messiah returned to earth after his ascension
               following his resurrection -- or at Pentecost?

               2. Notice  what the Hard Sayings of the Bible,  by Kaiser, Davids, Bruce
               and Brauch, comments:

               "In John 20:22 Jesus breathes on the disciples and indicates that he is
               granting them the holy spirit, which fulfills a promise repeatedly made in
               John 14-16. However, in Acts 2:4 we learn that later, after the ascension
               of Jesus, the 120 disciples gathered in the upper room had an experience,

               and 'all of them were filled with the holy spirit and began to speak in other
               tongues as the spirit enabled them.' When was the holy spirit actually re-
               ceived by the disciples?"

               Continuing, this volume adds --

               "In John 20:21 we have the commissioning of the disciples: 'As the Father
               has sent me, I am sending you.' The sending of the Son in John is a send-
               ing into the world [of Israel] to save the world [of Israel]. The sending of the
               disciples is thus a continuation of this sending of Jesus as they go out into
               the world [of Israel] to preach the gospel. At this point Jesus grants them
               the  power  for  [the]  mission  with  the  words 'receive the holy  spirit.' Along
               with this empowering comes the authority to forgive sins (which, of course,
               is part of preaching the gospel, for in it one indicates whose sins are forgiv-

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