Page 23 - BCCA4
P. 23

               COMMENT:  Abraham’s  seven  other  sons  did  not  have  this  seed  identity
               because they were not “In Isaac”.

               The descendants of Isaac were begotten of the spirit from their con-
               ception. This  is why those who believe  among Isaac’s  descendants  are
               regarded as being anointed by the spirit (Galatians 3:16).

               9. What was Paul able to declare? II Corinthians 1:21-22.

               10. Does he further confirm this in I Corinthians? I Corinthians 2:7-16.

               COMMENT:  Paul confirms this  by  telling the “brethren” (kinsmen of the
               same womb of Sarah) that they have not received the spirit of the world,
               but the spirit of YEHOVAH God (verse 12). He says that through this we of
               Israel might know (or comprehend) the things that are freely given to us,

               (the brethren), of YEHOVAH God.

               11. Does Paul go on to further declare that the “natural” man (those not
               born of Isaac’s  line)  cannot  receive  the things  of the spirit of
               YEHOVAH God? I Corinthians 2:14.

               COMMENT: Paul agrees  with the  Messiah  who says that anyone  who is
               not begotten of the original sowing (in the womb of Sarah) cannot “see” the
               Kingdom of YEHOVAH God. Those who can are those “born from above”
               (not “again” as translated) in John 3:3, from the original sowing.

               It is YEHOVAH God who anoints His people Israel with the deposit or ear-
               nest of the spirit -- as pictured by  the anointing of Adam in  Genesis  2:7.
               The purpose of this anointing is that the believer of Israel might be taught
               the things of  YEHOVAH God.  Things of the spirit can only  be known
               through the help of the spirit!

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                  Adam Was Not the First Man!

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                 Did Noah’s Flood Cover the Highest Mountains?

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