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               mount up to such a height as to lay claim to THE NATURE OF GOD, if God
               Himself had not drawn it up to Himself, as far as was possible for the mind
               of man to be drawn up, and if He had not FORMED it according to those
               powers  which  can  be  comprehended"  (ibid.,  "Allegorical  Interpretation,  I,
               XIII (37-38))

               5. Do we find this corroborated in the Book of Job? Job 32:8.

               6. Does the Bible tells us that the "breath of life" is also termed an anoint-
               ing? Lamentations 4:20.

               COMMENT:  This anointing of the spirit (the "breath  of life") is  given to
               those of us of Israel at conception -- it is in our genes passed down from
               Adam and Abraham. It is a deposit or earnest of the fullness of the spirit
               that we will receive in the future if converted and serving YEHOVAH God.

               7. Notice what the apostle Paul says. II Corinthians 1:21-22.

               8. Do we find a corollary to Genesis 2:7 in the Book of Job? Job 27:3.

               COMMENT: Clearly, Job is talking about the infusion of YEHOVAH’s spirit
               in Genesis 2:7.

               9. Now, is the purpose of the anointing or deposit of the spirit at conception
               to enable us of Israel to understand YEHOVAH's truth? I John 2:20, 27.

               COMMENT: When it comes to Biblical Israel (NOT the State of  Israel or
               "the Jews"), we find that YEHOVAH God is described in the Bible as being
               "the Father of Israel," so there are characteristics of YEHOVAH God inbuilt
               in this race from conception. The Messiah taught his disciples (ALL Isra-

               elites only) to pray saying, "Our Father which art in heaven..." This is better
               translated "Our Father, the One in heaven". Neither YEHOVAH God nor

               man can be called a father until they have begotten offspring. There is
               NO suggestion of a spiritual birth later in life!

               10. Does YEHOVAH God state that He is a Father? Exodus 4:22-23 and
               Jeremiah 31:9.

               COMMENT: Therefore YEHOVAH God begat offspring and is the father of
               all descendants from Israel. This is said directly of NO other race in the
               Bible! From this it can be said that Israelites are the children of YEHOVAH
               God. (Greek teknon) FROM CONCEPTION. Children are the offspring of a
               "father" who begat them.

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