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return them to the Middle East. He will then rebuild  I seek only God's absolute truth and to follow Jesus
                the Temple to house the Shekinah glory of His Father  Christ and I hope your eyes may be opened and your
                who returns to this earth in great splendor -- see Reve-  heart turned to the faith once delivered before it's too
                lation 19.                                     late.

                Mr. John D. Keyser,                            Sincerely,
                                                               M. R.
                In reading articles on the Trojans and their later move-
                ments, as well as books on Archaeological redating,  Comment: It truly grieves me to see someone taken in
                especially of Egyptian history, as advanced by such  by the propaganda of a cult that is rife with error and
                people as Peter James, David Rohl and Velikovsky, I  hypocrisy. Many of the doctrines of this church (e.g.
                would be interested in your evaluation of the argu-  the "little book") are totally unscriptural and the end re-
                ments advanced for the redating of the Trojan War  sult of unstable minds. I pray that YEHOVAH will open
                (1184 BC) when taking into account the founding of  your eyes to the morass you have entered into. --
                Carthage and Rome. If the inconsistencies presented  Editor.
                by Peter James and Immanuel Velikovsky have merit,
                then the dating of the migration of such figures as  Dear Hope of Israel Ministries:
                Aeneas and Brutus will have occurred a couple of hun-
                dred years later than commonly dated. It is interesting  I have received "The Berean Voice" issues for the year
                how such a figure as Aeneas could have visited Queen  2000, that is volume 1, numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. I look
                Dido in Carthage after the fall of Troy (12th century  forward to receiving number 6. Because of this I would
                BC) when Carthage wasn't founded until the second  like to continue receiving "The Berean Voice." Please
                half of the 9th century!                       let me know what amount to pay for the continuance.

                Velikovsky's unpublished works can be found at  Also, I have need for more information on the Name;
       (as at  that is what is the proper name to be using. I have been
                July 2000). I refer to Peter James book: Centuries of  reading many viewpoints about this just as I have been
                Darkness, 1991 (see pp. 53-55 and App. 2).     on the Sabbath. Do you have material on the Father and
                                                               Son Name issue? Would you send me copies of your
                Regards,                                       material? It is my hope to resolve this in my own mind
                J.R.                                           and heart according to how the Word leads me.

                Comment:   There is evidence that Carthage was  Like wise, I am also resolving the Sabbath issue. I am
                founded at a much earlier date than most historians al-  grateful for your dedication to seeking truth and the
                low. As soon as I get the time, I will write an article  material I have received on the Sabbath is timely and
                covering this. -- Editor.                      helpful. I was aware there were variations in position
                                                               such as, Sunday, Saturday, those who esteem all days
                Dear HIM (C of G);                             alike, but I was enlightened about the Saturday conflict.
                                                               The calendar changes are important. When you have
                After a long journey through the wilderness (being a  the new 2001 calendar ready, I would appreciate your
                baptized member of God's church since 1972 but drift-  sending it to me. Thank you.
                ing off into wilderness in the 1980s) God has gently,
                steadily, and firmly guided me back to His true church.  J. H.

                With many stops along the way in order to "consider"  Hello,
                various churches of God and "prove all things," He has
                lovingly led me to the Philadelphia Church of God.  My name is Alexandr. I am interested in receiving your
                                                               magazine. If possible could you send me the Jan-Feb,
                                                               Mar-Apr, May-Jun issues. I would also like to be put
                I therefore request that my name and address be re-
                moved from your mailing list as I no longer desire to  on your newsletter subscription.
                receive your literature.
                                                               Thank you. Merry Christmas.

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