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                M          Thank you so much for your magazine. The in-  I am in prison, paying the price for the things I
                                                                     have done.
                           formation is very interesting and I would like to
                           learn more. I have many questions and I would
                           love to talk to someone. I live in New Jersey  But I don't think I am a bad person. I just made
                                                                     some very bad mistakes.
                           and I was wondering if you have a congregation
                A          in the area. I would love to receive your free  I pray that YHVH will forgive me and lead me in
                           magazine. Please send it to...
                                                                     the right direction.
                           G. S.                                     Thank you for any help!
                I          Thank you and God bless!                  B. F.

                           Dear Mr. John D. Keyser,
                                                                     Greetings in Yahshua's name,
                L          Grace, Mercy and Peace from God the father in  Please send me your articles on birthdays and
                           Christ our savior. Warm greetings unto you
                           from Quebec. I pray that this letter finds you  children of the mist. Thank you. (Return address
                           well and happy. Thanks for sending me your  on envelope).
                           magazine  The Berean Voice  -- July/August
                           2000. Please I would like to be placed on your  Yahshua fulfilled the sacrifice law only, Yah-
                                                                     weh's laws endure forever.
                           mailing list for receiving your magazine.
                B          Prayerful thanksgiving for your labor of faith  Yahshua kept his Father's law )Moses) for "sin
                           and love. May God bless you and your loved
                           ones in everything. May the protection, strength  is a transgression of the law," 1st John 3:4, and
                           and peace of the Almighty be with you always.  Yahshua did not sin (transgress the law).
                A          In Christian love,                        The book of Galatians is about the physical cir-

                           R. D.                                     cumcision law and the oral law (Talmud). The
                                                                     animal sacrifice law was hung on the stake, not
                                                                     Yahweh's moral law.
                G          Dear Hope of Israel Ministries:           The Jews in Paul's time, said the blood shed at

                           A friend gave me this address and said I should
                           write.                                    circumcision (physical) was the atoning blood.

                           I am seeking the truth about YHVH. I have done  Yahshua's blood is the last blood required to
                           some reading but would like more information.  atone for sins, that is why Paul wrote and said if
                                                                     you get circumcised (physically) you are reject-
                                                                     ing Yahshua's blood.
                           Do you have any information on why the "V" in
                           YHVH was changed to a "W"?
                                                                     Hebrews 10:28 clearly states,
                           I have asked this question many times and can't
                           seem to get an answer.                    "He that despiseth Moses law, died without
                                                                     mercy under two or three witnesses, of how
                                                                     much sorer punishment, suppose ye shall be
                           I would like to know the truth. I would like to do  thought worthy of, who has trodden under foot,
                           the right thing.
                                                                     the son of Yahweh, and hath taken the blood of
                                                                     the covenant, where with he  was sanctified  by,

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