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an unholy thing, and hath done, despite unto the spirit  K. C.
                of grace!"
                                                               P.S. I loved your article on birthdays and Hap-y. Yah-
                Isaiah 24:5-6 states why Yahweh's judgment is going  weh bless and keep you all the way out of Babylon.
                to fall.
                                                               Dear John,
                "The earth is polluted under the inhabitants of it; be-
                cause they have transgressed the laws, violated the  Thanks for your e-mail from some time ago already. I
                statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. (The cove-  am very busy with several newsgroups and in this way I
                nant Yahweh gave all Israel, including you, since you  am a little delayed with responding! You are right: so-
                are hoping to be grafted in). Therefore has the curse  ciety doesn't accept another week. I can tell you that
                devoured the earth and they that dwell in it are found  my mother now has started with the lunar sabbath.
                guilty; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are
                burned, and few men left."                     The family keeps saying that the law has been abol-
                                                               ished with the crucifixion of Jesus. They don't want to
                I could go on and on to prove this, but 1st John 3:4  hear about the O.T.
                says it all "everyone that commits sin also transgresses
                the law; for sin is the transgression of the law.  It's only because the churches say so. Sad but true.

                We are supposed to live sin free my friend, and that  But I can tell also that some friends and acquaintances
                means not to transgress Yahweh's law, (holy days Lev.  of mine are interested in your articles. I've given them
                223, dietary laws Lev. 11, ten comm., all 600 moral  your articles about the sabbath and they will certainly
                laws, statutes Yahweh gave to Israel, forever, not just  go to your website. There are always people every-
                the tribe of Judah (Jews).                     where who take the Bible serious, but they are not
                                                               within the churches, I've noticed.
                If you write me back I will send you a few books that
                you might enjoy to enlighten you in the truth.  And yes, the reward will be great when we do what the
                                                               Lord wants and when we keep to His commandments.
                Isaiah was right, the curse hath devoured the whole
                earth. "The mystery of iniquity (lawlessness --  About the situation in the Middle East, I think it will
                Strong's) doth already work."                  never be peace between the Jews and the Palestinians.

                I send this letter in love, not hate, not puffed up, I pray  On the other hand, according to Ezekiel there still has
                that Yahweh opens up the eyes of His elect, for that is  to come the temple and the twelve tribes of Israel must
                the grace of Yahweh, to open your eyes for Yahshua  still return to Israel.
                said, "no man comes to me, unless he be called by the
                Father."                                       Will this be before or after the Messiah has returned? I
                                                               am still busy with that. Do you have an opinion about
                Yahweh calling the few (opening their eyes to the  this?
                truth) is the gift of grace.
                                                               Let me know if it suits you. I shall have a look on your
                Yahweh calls whom He will.                     website anyhow to see whether you have some articles
                                                               about the new temple..
                And lawless ones, He calls not, Satan has done away
                with His law, His name, His holy days, His statutes,  May God be with you too and with your brothers and
                etc., etc.                                     sisters.

                The mystery of lawlessness (iniquity) doth already  J.K.
                work, only he who letteth will let (Yahweh), until he be
                taken out of the way (Satan). 2nd. Thess. 2:7.  Comment: The Bible clearly indicates that the Temple
                                                               will not be rebuilt until AFTER Yeshua comes to this
                In Yahshua's name,                             earth. Yeshua will regather the tribes of  Israel and
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