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out of His sight. The vast majority of deceived Christian people today would indeed consider this
               a fantasy if told who the modern-day Israelites really are. But in so doing, they are unknowingly
               fulfilling the prophecy of these scriptures found in Deuteronomy 28:37 and I Kings 9:7. At the pre-
               sent time, true Israel remains a "fantasy" and a "mystery" simply because most of modern-day
               Christianity has refused to believe and teach the TRUTH regarding a people called Israel. YEHO-
               VAH's true chosen people are kept "hidden" in spite of the obvious fact that true Israel could only
               apply to those who make up the majority of the United States, Great Britain and all the other coun-
               tries mentioned previously.

                       We can, in all honesty, state that the nations of modern Israel have truly departed from the
               God of Israel. This is partly due to the fact that modern clergy has determined to uphold and teach
               the false "God's chosen people" theory. Modern churches are in GROSS ERROR to claim that the
               so-called "Jews" of today are what is left of the captivity of the Israelites of old. There are some, I
               believe, of the modern-day clergy who know the truth about who the modern-day Israelites are, but
               they will refuse to teach this truth because of the "fear of the Jews" or concern over church atten-
               dance and income. It is a SHAME AND A DISGRACE for the denominational church system to
               blindly ignore the facts of this very important subject of whom the Gentiles are.

                       It would be unthinkable to most people if told that this great nation of the United States was
               founded on the promise of God that was given to Abraham centuries ago. This is why most sincere
               Christian people will refuse to understand the truth regarding the true heritage and inheritance of
               this nation of ours. It is very obvious that the United States of America, as a blessed nation of YE-
               HOVAH, has fulfilled what Abraham's descendants were divinely destined to do! It is very strange
               that this truth should be totally ignored by the modern churches!

                       The origin of the Anglo-Saxon kindred people can be traced in history back to the very
               area where the northern ten tribes of Israel came out of their captivity. They were taken captive
               circa 721-718 B.C., and some sources have it that an estimated ten to twenty million Israelites
               were taken captive. What happened to these people? If they truly disappeared and became "lost" --
               how can you lose this many people in history? Those that hold to the non-Israelite Gentile theory
               have lost these people -- and they have lost them willingly! The Bible foretold that "lost Israel"
               would be scattered in all the world. The Anglo-Saxon and kindred people of the United States,
               Great Britain, North-western Europe, and other parts of the world can CORRECTLY be called
               "Gentiles" -- in the same sense that the lost Israelites of the New Testament were also called
               "Gentiles." Please understand this truth!

                       This article has explained how lost Israel is biblically called the "Gentiles," and what the
               Bible foretells will happen to these people in the "latter days" if they do not return to YEHOVAH
               their God. Most Bible prophecy is primarily focused on lost Israel and the punishments and judg-
               ments that these people are to endure for departing from their God. Prophecy also explains the sal-
               vation and the eternal inheritance promised through Yeshua the Messiah for these people IF they
               return to the God of their fathers and believe what Abraham believed. We have been given pre-
               cious promises of national greatness through our father Abraham -- and personal salvation through
               the sacrifice of Yeshua. We need to share this precious truth with others and pray to YEHOVAH to
               enlighten us as to who we really are -- and what our national and personal responsibility ought to

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