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                Current archaeological information paints a broader  It appears then that Sanballat, recognizing the
                and more complex picture. According to the Bible,  irreconcilable differences between the Samaritans and
                when Nehemiah rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem, he  Jews, and understanding the holy significance of
                made it, at least in its initial stages, a community ef-  Mount Grizim, took advantage of the situation and
                fort: each family was appointed to built a separate por-  sanctioned a 'rival', but biblically acceptable place for
                tion of the edifice. During the Grizim excavations an  the worship of Yahweh. His political interests could
                exact parallel of such agenda was found. Dedications  better be served with the construction of a temple on
                carved into the building stones attributed parts of the  his own territory.
                construction to different families: "That which PN and
                his sons offered"; "Nathan and his sons"; "Tinqayn and  The Jews refused to recognize the legitimacy of the
                her sons" etc.                                 temple at Grizim, as well as the legitimacy of the Sa-
                                                               maritans as part of Israel. The rivalry between the two
                Religiously, this temple followed Old Testament prac-  escalated over the next 200 years. In "The Wars of the
                tices, seemingly without fault. Biblical measurements  Jews" Josephus mentions a mixed group of Jews and
                were used, particularly in the construction of the  Samaritans living in Egypt who argued continually over
                east gate, which par-                                                      where to send their
                allels Ezekiel's de-                                                       sacrifices.
                scription of the east
                gate.  Carved  lime-                                                       The rivalry ended in
                stone ashlars were                                                         112 BC, when the
                found with inscrip-                                                        Hasmonean     king
                tions carved in an-                                                        Yochanan    (John)
                cient Hebrew -- a                                                          Hyrcanus conquered
                script reserved for                                                        the Samaritans and
                national and religious                                                     destroyed their tem-
                use only. Inscriptions                                                     ple. The Samaritans
                include  the  tetra-                                                       were   never  again
                gramaton     "Yahweh"                                                      permitted to rebuild
                (the biblical name of                                                      on the mount. They
                God - Exodus 3:13-                                                         still celebrate Pass-
                15) as well as "high                                                       over every year ac-
                priest"   "priest"  and                                                    cording to the rules
                "Phineas" (a known                                                         of   the  Law  of
                priestly  name)  to-                                                       Moses.
                gether with thousands
                of sheep bones used
                in ritual sacrifice.                                                       About one hundred
                                                                                           years after the de-
                                                               struction of their Temple, on that same mount, Jesus
                The very idea of an Old Testament temple to the God  had a conversation with a Samaritan woman, who
                of Israel on Mount Grizim should come as no surprise.  claimed that her ancestors had been worshipping in that
                For centuries the Mount was a site of great religious  same place for centuries. Unlike the vast majority of
                significance. When the children of Israel first arrived  Jewish sages of his time, Jesus neither condemned nor
                in their "promised land" they ascended Mount Grizim,  contradicted her claim. He simply stated that salvation
                traditional site of Jacob's well, and pronounced a  would come out of Judah (Jerusalem). Then it would
                blessing on all those who would follow God's com-  no longer matter where one worshipped, only how: "In
                mands. According to tradition the Israelites buried the  spirit and in truth" (John 4:19-24).
                remains of Joseph on the summit of the mount. which
                they had carried out of Egypt. Modern Samaritans
                claim that Grizim was also the original site of the Tab-  One of the greatest contributions of the Grizim exca-
                ernacle (though this contradicts the scriptures).   vations, once the full results are published, will be a
                                                               greater understanding of the second Temple in Jerusa-
                                                               lem, and its several alternations. Absolutely nothing
                                                               remains of the Jerusalem Temple plans which

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