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P. 82

                               Is It Wrong to Have

                            PICTURES of Christ?

                                                      Ernest Martin

                       Some time ago a very popular book was published in which the writer advocated concen-
               trating upon a small picture of Christ while you are praying in order to give you the proper

                       Today, God seems so far off to most people that people think they must have some repre-
               sentation of Christ, the Father, or some saint in order to pray with reality. There are thousands of
               images, idols and pictures throughout the world -- in homes, in Bibles, in churches -- which are to
               remind people of Christ or some Biblical personage. Do we need such images? And should we use

                                    Are Images or Pictures Sanctioned by God?

                       The Bible expressly forbids the use of images in any form in the true worship of God.

                       Notice Exodus 20:5, 5: "Thou shalt  not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness
               of any thing that is in heaven above [note, the command is against any likeness, no matter what
               form], or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow
               down thyself to them, nor SERVE THEM."

                       This second command is primarily against the use of intermediate material images, idols or
               pictures with which to worship the true God mentioned in the first commandment. The worship of
               God must not be through images.

                       Most of you have already understood that the usage of images is wrong, but what about pic-
               tures? Does the second commandment specifically include them? Yes, it does! Notice that it says
               no  likeness shall be made of heavenly beings to be used in the worship of God. Likenesses are
               portrayed in pictures as well as through idols or other images. Pictures of Christ, then, are defi-
               nitely forbidden.

                              Israel Told to Destroy Images and Pictures of Heathen

                       To carry out the enforcement of God's second commandment, notice what God commanded
               the Israelites just before they entered the Promised Land: "Then ye shall drive out all the inhabi-
               tants of the land from before you, AND DESTROY ALL THEIR PICTURES, and destroy all their
               MOLTEN IMAGES, and quite pluck down all their high places" (Num. 33:52). Their pictures of
               heavenly things and their idols were considered one and the same. Idolatrous pictures and images
               are both forbidden by God. The Israelites were commanded to destroy them all.
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