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                       it was a sacrifice offered ONCE FOR ALL (at least so long as its ashes lasted); that its
                       blood was sprinkled, not on the altar, but OUTSIDE THE CAMP TOWARDS [WEST-
                       WARD] THE SANCTUARY; and that it was WHOLLY burnt, along with cedarwood, as
                       the symbol of IMPERISHABLE EXISTENCE, hyssop, as that of PURIFICATION
                       FROM CORRUPTION, and "scarlet," which from its colour was the EMBLEM OF
                       LIFE. Thus the sacrifice of HIGHEST LIFE, brought as a sin-offering, and, so far as pos-
                       sible, ONCE FOR ALL, was in its turn accompanied by the symbols of IMPERISH-
                       so as yet more to intensify its significance. But even this is not all. The gathered ashes
                       with running water were sprinkled on the third and seventh days on that which was to be
                       PURIFIED. Assuredly, if death meant "the wages of sin," this PURIFICATION pointed,
                       in all its details, to "the gift of God," which is "eternal life," THROUGH THE SACRI-
                       FICE OF HIM IN WHOM IS THE FULLNESS OF LIFE. The Temple, Wm. B. Eerd-
                       mans Publishing Co., Michigan. 1987, pages 348-349.

                       Do you grasp the depth of meaning and the significance of the sacrifice of the Red Heifer?
               It pointed DIRECTLY to the sacrifice of Christ. It was offered up ONCE FOR ALL; and realize
               this, the high priest was PROHIBITED from offering up the Red Heifer himself because it repre-
               sented Christ -- our HIGH PRIEST!

                       And WHERE did this sacrifice take place? "In order to sacrifice the Red Heifer, the se-
               lected animal was taken from the Temple through the EASTERN GATE ('without the gate' -- He-
               brews 13:12) and then led further EAST ('without the camp' -- Hebrews 13:11) to the 'CLEAN
               PLACE' where it was killed and burnt to ashes." (Secrets of Golgotha, page 30).

                       The Mishnah (Jewish collection of religious-legal decisions developed from the laws of
               the Old Testament) also points this out:

                       There were five gates to the Temple mount: the two Huldah Gates on the south, that
                       served for coming in and going out; the Kiponus Gate on the west, that served for coming
                       in and going out; the Tadi Gate on the north that was not used at all; the EASTERN
                       GATE on which was portrayed the Palace of Shushan. THROUGH THIS [GATE] THE
                       AIDED HIM WENT FORTH TO THE MOUNT OF OLIVES. -- Middoth 1:3.

                       This plainly shows that in the time of Christ the place for burning the Red Heifer -- the
               "CLEAN PLACE" -- was located EAST of the Temple ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES! Eder-
               sheim backs this up without equivocation:

                       Seven days before [the Day of Atonement], the priest destined for the service was sepa-
                       rated and kept in the Temple -- in "the House of Stoves" - where he was daily sprinkled
                       with the ashes as the Rabbis fable -- of all the red heifers ever offered. When bringing the
                       sacrifice, he was to wear his WHITE priestly raiments. According to their tradition, there
                       was an ARCHED ROADWAY leading from the EAST GATE of the Temple out UPON
                       THE MOUNT OF OLIVES -- double arched, that is, arched also over the supporting pil-
                       lars, for fear of any possible pollution through the ground upwards. Over this the proces

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