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               Day of Atonement. Here also, the bull and the goat were carried OUTSIDE THE CAMP and burnt
               in their entirety. (Lev.16:27).

                       Notice what Ernest L. Martin says about the important Day of Atonement sacrifices:

                       The main symbolic emphasis of the Book of Hebrews to the rituals of the Old Covenant
                       deals with Christ's fulfillment of the Day of Atonement sacrifices for sins. "But into the
                       second [the second compartment of the Temple, that is, into the Holy of Holies] went the
                       HIGH PRIEST alone once every year, NOT WITHOUT BLOOD, which he offered for
                       himself, and for the errors of the people" (Hebrews 9:7). This happened on the Day of
                       Atonement. The symbolic theme of this holy day continues through chapters nine and ten
                       and is finally concluded with Hebrews 13:10-13 the verses we have been concerned with.
                       Recall that priests could not eat from the altar mentioned in Hebrews. "Whereof they
                       have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle" (Heb.13:10). Indeed, none of the sacri-
                       fices offered on the Day of Atonement could be eaten (which day, by the way, was a
                       FAST DAY in which no food of any kind could be consumed). The bodies of the animals
                       offered for sin on that day were burnt to ashes ON THE ALTAR LOCATED OUTSIDE
                       THE CAMP. It was this OUTSIDE ALTAR that became the important altar for Chris-
                       tians to which they were expected to retreat to have the forgiveness of sins. WHY THIS
                       PARTICULAR ALTAR? Because the sacrifices on THIS altar were the prime ones
                       which dealt with the sins of Israel and they PREFIGURED PRECISELY what Christ
                       would be doing for mankind at his crucifixion. -- Secrets of Golgotha, pages 28,29.

                       Read Hebrews 13:12-13 again: "And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to MAKE
               THE PEOPLE HOLY THROUGH HIS OWN BLOOD. Let us, then, go to him OUTSIDE THE
               CAMP, bearing the disgrace he bore."

                                     The "Clean Place" and the Altar of the Red Heifer

                       Leviticus 4:12 mentions "the whole bull he shall carry OUTSIDE THE CAMP TO A
               CLEAN PLACE, where the ashes are poured out..." What's the significance of the "CLEAN
               PLACE"? Or, more importantly, WHERE is this clean place?

                       During Moses' day the HOLIEST REGION within the camp of the Israelites was in front of
               the entrance to the sanctuary -- on its EAST side. And WHY was this area EAST of the sanctuary
               holy? Because the sin offering known as the RED HEIFER was killed and burnt to ashes, and the
               blood sprinkled, in the area just OUTSIDE THE CAMP! The Red Heifer was the HOLIEST of all
               the Israelites' offerings, and was a sacrifice that was offered ONCE FOR ALL. Notice Alfred Ed-
               ersheim's explanation:

                       As the direct manifestation of sin which separates man from God, defilement by the
                       DEAD required a SIN-OFFERING, and the ASHES OF THE RED HEIFER are ex-
                       pressly so designated in the words: "It IS A SIN-OFFERING." [Numbers 9:17]. But it
                       DIFFERS from all other sin-offerings. The sacrifice was to be of PURE RED COLOR;
                       one "upon which never came yoke; and a FEMALE, all other sin-offerings for the con-
                       gregation being males...But what distinguished it even more from all the others was, that

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