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                       As a result of Judas' "information" and the visions of Constantine and his mother, the
               Christian world has been worshipping at the tomb of the Jewish high priest John Hyrcanus for
               1,664 years!!

                       What a fantastic hoax, what irony! The last laugh truly belongs to the Jews!

                       Finally, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre CANNOT be the site of the crucifixion because
               IT FALLS WELL WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CAMP! Remember, Christ was put to death
               "OUTSIDE THE CAMP"!

                                                 The Tearing of the Curtain

                       So, then, where does this leave us? What is the CORRECT SITE of the death and burial of
               our Savior? The gospel of Luke affords a clue:

                       It was now about the sixth hour and, with the sun eclipsed, a darkness came over the
                       whole land until the ninth hour. THE VEIL OF THE TEMPLE WAS TORN RIGHT
                       DOWN THE MIDDLE; and when Jesus had cried out in a loud voice, he said, "Father,
                       into your hands I commit my spirit." With these words he breathed his last. WHEN THE
                       CENTURION SAW WHAT HAD TAKEN PLACE, he gave praise to God and said,
                       "This was a great and good man." And when all the people who has gathered for the spec-
                       tacle SAW WHAT HAPPENED, they went home beating their breasts. All his friends
                       stood at a distance; so also did the women who had accompanied him from Galilee, AND
                       THEY SAW ALL THIS HAPPEN. -- Luke 23:44-49.

                       What was it that caused the centurion present to praise God? What did the people gathered
               there see that caused them to head for their homes beating their breasts -- the sign of extreme hu-
               miliation, distress and grief? What was it His friends saw? It wasn't the death of Christ, the centu-
               rion was there to oversee Christ's death -- that was the expected outcome. It was NOT our Savior's
               last breath that caused the people to beat their breasts, they also were there to witness His death.
               WHAT was it that all these people saw that affected them so dramatically? THE TEARING OF
               THE TEMPLE CURTAIN!

                       Notice what Matthew says:

                       Again Jesus cried out with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit. And BEHOLD [TO
                       TWO FROM TOP TO BOTTOM, and the earth quaked and the masses of rocks were
                       split...But the centurion and the others with him watching Jesus having SEEN the earth
                       quake AND THE THINGS OCCURRING, became very much afraid, saying: "Truly,
                       this was God's son." -- 27:50, 51, 54.

                       What was it the centurion and the others saw? The earthquake and "THE THINGS OC-
               CURRING." And what were these "things occurring"? The death of Christ AND THE TEARING
               OF THE TEMPLE CURTAIN!

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