Page 48 - BV4
P. 48

                       ....all UNCLEAN things associated with the Temple, with Jerusalem or with the people of
                       Israel (whether of animals or human beings) had to be disposed of EAST of sacred areas.
                       Recall that the sin offerings killed in the Temple had to be taken EAST to the MIPHKAD
                       ALTAR [altar of the Red Heifer] for burning to ashes (Lev.4:1-21). The bullock and the
                       goat (both sin offerings) which were sacrificed on the Day of Atonement had to be taken
                       EAST to the same altar and burnt into ashes (Lev.16:27). Even the live goat (the scape-
                       goat) was led by a fit man into the wilderness EAST of Jerusalem (Lev.16:20-22). The
                       sin offering called the Red Heifer was also burnt to ashes at the MIPHKAD ALTAR
                       which, of course, was EAST of the Temple and Jerusalem.

                       Even the ashes of all the sacrifices offered at the Altar of Burnt Offering in the Temple it
                       self  had to be taken EAST to the same "CLEAN PLACE" at the Miphkad Altar
                       (Lev.4:12). Ashes to the early Jews were a symbol of sorrow and repentance and these
                       had to be deposited EAST of Jerusalem in the area where the main animals bearing the
                       sins of Israel were also burnt to ashes. -- P.47.

                       All things considered to be "UNCLEAN" were taken EAST of the Holy City. Therefore,
               the site of execution for murderers and blasphemers (this was the charge against Christ -- see Mark
               14:64) had to be located in an area that would not affect the SACREDNESS AND PURITY of the
               HOLY CITY of Jerusalem! Doesn't that make sense? Note that ALL "unclean" things, including the
               major sin offerings laid down by God, were taken East of Jerusalem (the HOLY CITY) and the
               Temple itself.

                       In actual fact, in the theological thinking of the Jewish authorities in the first century, it
                       was determined that EACH PERSON who committed a capital crime and was executed
                       for his criminal act was RECKONED AS BEING A SIN OFFERING TO HIMSELF. It
                       was believed that NO ANIMAL COULD TAKE THE PLACE of such a heinous person
                       but that he (or she) had to be a SIN OFFERING himself (or herself) for the sins that had
                       been committed. "May MY DEATH be an ATONEMENT for all my sins," said the one
                       being executed (Cohen, Everyman's Talmud, p.317).

                       This shows that NO ANIMAL SACRIFICE for sin could act as a substitute for the criminal
               himself, but that he had to be HIS OWN SIN OFFERING to atone for the crimes he had committed.
               The Mishnah clearly shows that the sacrificial animals burnt "OUTSIDE THE CAMP" as sin of-
               ferings set the EXAMPLE for a criminal who was also put to death as his OWN SIN OFFERING
               "OUTSIDE THE CAMP"! The situation here was ANALOGOUS (see Sanhedrin 42b and 52a).

                       Since the execution of the criminal was analogous to the sin offering, then the criminal had
               to be executed in the SAME AREA as the sin offerings -- outside the camp and EAST of the Tem-
               ple near the summit of the MOUNT OF OLIVES!!

                       All those convicted under the Law of Moses and worthy of the death penalty were con-
                       sidered to have received the judgment of God; and the resulting execution was enacted in
                       the "presence" of God -- on the side of the Temple that God faced, that is, THE EAST
                       SIDE!  "Since the sanctuary was considered the house (or residence) of God on earth, and
                       the mercy seat in the Holy of Holies was reckoned as the THRONE OF GOD, He was al-

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