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               God's calendar is that, because we have learned that the weekly Sabbaths fall in THE QUARTERS
               OF THE MOON, when we count SEVEN SABBATHS, we are actually counting the fourth Sab-
               bath of the cycle, 29th day of the lunar month through the 30th or 1st day of the next month (depend-
               ing on the length of the month) as ONE UNIT. Otherwise, we are not counting  Sabbaths but only
               solar days and clearly fall short of the seventh Sabbath.

                       The ultimate proof of this point -- and perhaps the very KEY -- is found in verse 16 of Le-
               viticus 23. Notice how it says "even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number
               fifty days [yowm]." There is no way you could arrive at the MORROW AFTER the seventh Sab-
               bath if you just count seven times seven and then merely add one day to get fifty.

                       To give the reader a clearer understanding of this concept, in the course of the Biblical di-
               rections you will pass through seven Sabbaths -- beginning after the first day of Unleavened Bread
               (full moon) --

                       1st Sabbath....=....3rd quarter (half moon);

                       2nd Sabbath....=....4th quarter (at new moon -- 2 days);

                       3rd Sabbath....=....1st quarter (half moon);

                       4th Sabbath....=....2nd quarter (full moon);

                       5th Sabbath....=....3rd quarter (half moon);

                       6th Sabbath....=....4th quarter (at new moon -- 3 days);

                       7th Sabbath....=....1st quarter (half moon).

                       If we add together the actual solar "days" from the sequence above, we arrive at 52 -- but
               have only just passed through seven Sabbaths! But, as the scripture above prescribes, "unto the
               morrow after the seventh sabbath ye shall number fifty days [yowm]." From this we can obvi-
               ously see that the "fifty days" include the NEW MOON PERIODS with two or three solar days --
               which by necessity are counted as ONE DAY!

                       In my article about the weekly Sabbath I show that the "new moon" (Rosh Chodesh) can
               last for up to two solar days depending on the length of the month. Modern Jewish calendars
               clearly show this phenomena. I also show  that the fourth Sabbath of the cycle (day 29) is back-to-
               back with the "new moon" (days 30 and/or 1st of next month). So, when the "day" (yowm) of the
               omer count falls on the fourth Sabbath of the cycle in counting the Sabbaths to Pentecost or the
               Feast of Weeks, it becomes the SABBATH space of time because it can cover two or three

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