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                       The Dead Sea scrolls also give a clear indication of how to count the omer --

                       ...You shall count seven complete Sabbaths from the day of your bringing the sheaf of
                       the wave-offering. You shall count until the morrow of the seventh Sabbath. You shall
                       count [fifty] days. You shall bring a new is the feast of Weeks and the
                       feast of Firstfruits, an eternal memorial (From the Temple Scroll -- 11QT -- XVIII-XXI.
                       Translation borrowed from The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls In English, by Geza

                       Besides these references, the Greek Septuagint version of the Old Testament renders Le-
               viticus 23:11 as saying, "...and he shall lift up the sheaf before the Lord, to be accepted for you. On
               the morrow of the first day [first day of the Feast, first day of the week -- exclusive counting] the
               priest shall lift it up," speaking, of course, of the barley sheaf. Then, in verses 15 and 16, it says
               that this is the very same day the counting is to begin --

                       And ye shall number to yourselves from the day after the sabbath [Nisan 15 -- both annual
               Feast day and weekly Sabbath day], from the day on which ye shall offer the sheaf of the heave-
               offering [Nisan 16], SEVEN FULL WEEKS: until the morrow after the last week ye shall number
               fifty days, and shall bring a new meat offering to the Lord.

                       The term "Feast of Weeks" is found in two places in the Old Testament: Exodus 34:22 and
               Deuteronomy 16:9-10. The latter verses read: "SEVEN WEEKS shall thou number to thyself;
               when thou hast begun to put the sickle to the corn, thou shalt begin to number SEVEN WEEKS.
               And thou shalt keep the FEAST OF WEEKS to the Lord thy God, accordingly as thy hand has
               power in as many things as the Lord thy God shall give thee."

                       However, in Leviticus 23 (King James Version), it says --

                       And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye
                       brought the sheaf of the wave offering; SEVEN SABBATHS shall be complete: Even
                       unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number FIFTY DAYS [yowm]; and ye
                       shall offer a new meat offering unto the Lord (verses 15-16).

                       Now notice the following two points in the above verses:

                       1/.  Verse 15 plainly says that SEVEN SABBATHS are to be counted. Notice that the term
               "sabbaths" is equated in this passage with "weeks" in Deuteronomy 16.

                       2/.  Notice it says to begin counting from  the morrow AFTER the Sabbath. The fact that the
               Sabbath it is speaking of here pertains to a feast day tends to connect high days to the weekly Sab-
               bath. This I showed to be true in my article Have We Been Keeping the Sabbath At the Wrong
               Time All These Years?

                       If we can understand that the moon was made by God FOR APPOINTMENTS -- including
               the weekly Sabbath -- we should be able to comprehend this counting thing. Read my article The
               New Moons and the Weekly Sabbath -- Side-By-Side! for further information. The simplicity of

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