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                great nation envied and feared by the Pharaoh who  the "seven years of famine" (Genesis 41:29-30) was
                "knew not Joseph." We need not stretch our imagina-  discovered during the nineteenth century in southern
                tions very far to appreciate that the Israelites, cradled  Saudi Arabia. This inscription was found on a marble
                in the great centre of civilization would apply them-  tablet in a ruined fortress on the seashore of
                selves to the arts and skills practiced in Egypt and  Hadramaut in present-day Democratic Yemen. An ex-
                would create that which was unique to them.     amination of the writing suggests that it was written
                                                                approximately eighteen hundred years before the birth
                Their skills were later to be applied to the construction  of Christ, a time that corresponds with the biblical nar-
                of the Tabernacle, under Divine guidance. There is evi-  rative about Jacob and his twelve sons. This inscription
                dence to the effect that a contingent of Danites left  was rendered in Arabic by Professor Schultens and was
                Egypt before the general Exodus from Egypt and colo-  later translated into English by Rev. Charles Forster.
                nized Greece helping to create the "Glory that was
                Greece." Diodorus writes: "In Egypt there were for-  This is his translation of this ancient inscription:
                merly multitudes of strangers who used foreign rites
                and ceremonies in worshipping the gods, for which       We dwelt at ease in this castle a long tract of time;
                they were expelled from Egypt and, under Danaus,       nor had we a desire but for the region-lord of the
                Cadmus and other skillful commanders came into        vineyard.
                Greece and other places. But the greater part came       Hundreds of camels returned to us each day at
                into Judea being conducted there by Moses a wise and       evening,
                valiant man." The other tribes became the nation of Is-       their eye pleasant to behold in their resting-places.
                rael in Canaan where they ultimately backslid from      And twice the number of our camels were our sheep,
                their God and separated into two separate and distinct       in comeliness like white does, and also the slow
                nations -- Israel and Judah. The former, Israel, con-       moving kine.
                sisted of the ten northern tribes: they separated them-       We dwelt in this castle seven years of good life
                selves from the Throne of David and from Temple       -- how difficult for memory its description!
                worship and the people became more and more like       Then came years barren and burnt up:
                the Gentiles around them. In 721 B.C. they were con-       when one evil year had passed away,
                quered by the Assyrian Empire and transplanted into       Then came another to succeed it.
                other parts of that Empire, where they became "Gen-       And we became as though we had never seen a
                tiles" as the prophets foretold.                    glimpse of good.
                                                                     They died and neither foot nor hoof remained.
                When Assyria was conquered by the Babylonians, the       Thus fares it with him who renders not thanks to
                gentilized Israelites moved out, to become "wanderers       God:
                amongst the nations," as the prophets also foretold. It       His footsteps fail not to be blotted out from his
                was by "wandering" peoples, Scythians and Celts, that       dwelling.
                Britain was first colonized. Historian Sharon Turner
                traced the Anglo-Saxons to the Scythians. Assuredly  This ancient poem records the devastation of the years
                this Israelitish origin of the English-speaking peoples,  of famine and barrenness that followed the seven years
                which puzzled Mr. Burton-Brown, is seen in the affini-  of plenty. The language of the poem implies that the
                ties between the arts and skills of Ancient Egypt, the  famine also lasted seven years. This account from an-
                Ancient Greeks, the Etruscans, the Scythians and, sub-  cient Arabia provides independent evidence confirm-
                sequently, the Celts, Anglo-Saxons and the kindred  ing the accuracy of the biblical account of the seven
                folk who now constitute the great family of nations of  years of plenty in the Middle East followed by seven
                western Christendom -- modern Israel.           years of famine that occurred during the rule of Joseph
                                                                as prime minister of Egypt.
                                                                            -- W.F. Finlayson.
                                                                Moses recorded the history of the Egyptian famine and
                    Joseph and the Seven Years of               the wise preparations that Joseph made to gather up the
                                  Famine                        surplus grain during the seven years of plenty to pro-
                                                                vide against the coming years of famine. "So he gath-
                                                                ered up all the food of the seven years which were in
                A fascinating inscription confirming the Bible's ac-  the land of Egypt, and laid up the food in the cities; he
                count of the "seven years of great plenty" followed by
                                                                laid up in every city the food of the fields which

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