Page 42 - BV20
P. 42

42                                                                  Hope of Israel Mail Bag

                 not listed in the essay as follows:            I’m glad you fi nally re ceived the first in stall ment of
                                                                Ta bor’s Bi ble. I have n’t re ceived  any thing fur ther --
                 Judges 19:25  “...and abused her all night until morning,  but as sume an other in stall ment  will ar rive  in the fu -
                 and when the day began to break let her go.
                 I Sam. 9:26  “They rose early and it was about the
                                                                Yes, I am a firm be liever in the day start ing at sun set!
                 dawning of the day that Samuel called to Saul.
                 2 Peter 1:19  “Until the day dawns and the morning  Why? Be cause the Bi ble clearly in di cates this to be so!
                 star rises in your hearts.                     No tice Gen e sis 1:3-5:

                 A well known brother to whom I once pointed out Luke “And God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was
                 23:54: “That day was the prep a ra tion  and the Sab bath light. And God saw that the light was good; and God
                 drew on/near” told me I was on drugs to be lieve such a sep a rated the light from the dark ness. God called the
                 thing viz. That ‘drew on’ is Strong’s 2020 Epiphosko, a light Day, and the dark ness  he called Night. AND
                 form of 2017: to be gin to grow light:- be gin to dawn. 2017 THERE WAS  EVENING  AND THERE WAS
                 to il lu mi nate:- give light” and he said that ‘dawn’ should MORNING, ONE DAY.”
                 read ‘dusk,’ so much for try ing to twist the scrip tures.
                                                                If we go now to Leviticus 23:32 we read –
                 Well, dear brother, a pity you do not an swer  let ters  di -
                 rectly, not that I blame you but it sure would put my mind “It shall be to you a sab bath of sol emn rest, and you
                 at ease as far as re ceiv ing the miss ing Berean Voice cop ies  shall af flict your selves; on the ninth day of the month
                 is con cerned.                                 BEGINNING AT  EVENING,  FROM EVENING
                                                                TO EVENING shall you keep your sab bath.”
                 May YHVH bless you and never dis con tinue giv ing you
                 in sight on the scrip tures.                   Furthermore, in Daniel 8:14 we find stated:

                 Best Regards                                                              “And he said to him, ‘For two thou sand and three hun -
                 J.K.P. (Spain)                                 dred EVENINGS AND MORNINGS; then the sanc -
                                                                tu ary shall be re stored to its right ful state.’”
                 COMMENT: Good to hear from you, J.K.P. Be lieve it or
                 not, there are still quite a few oak trees in “Thou sand YEHOVAH God in tro duced this fun da men tal di vi sion
                 Oaks”! They are not the large Eng lish-type oak, but more of time on the first “day” of the pe riod dur ing which
                 of ten the smaller scrub-type oak. Quite a few of the hills in He pre pared the earth for man kind.  In Gen e sis 1:4-5
                 this area (40 miles north of Los An geles) are cov ered with the word “Day” re fers to the day light hours in con trast
                 oak, and it is ac tu ally il le gal to wan tonly cut one down.  to the night time hours. How ever, the Bib li cal re cord
                                                                goes on to use the word “day” to re fer to the pe riod
                 Re gard ing the news let ter you sent me, I must say -- and I from eve ning to morn ing -- “And there was eve ning
                 don’t mean to of fend -- that it con tains noth ing but what I and there was morn ing, ONE DAY.” This seems pretty
                 call “con spir acy the ory non sense”! The in for ma tion about clear to me!
                 Pres i dent  Bush is lu di crous  and, frankly, pure gar bage!
                 While things here in the United States are far from per fect, The Is ra el ites un der stood this and be gan their day in
                 it is noth ing like what “Pas tor” Meyer tries to por tray in the eve ning, af ter sun set, and ended it the next day at
                 this “news let ter.” It con tains very lit tle of what you call sun set.  The day, there fore, ran from eve ning to eve -
                 “the re al ity of end-time news.” You will cer tainly NOT ning. “From eve ning  to eve ning  you should ob serve
                 get a bal anced view of  U.S. or world news by read ing this your sab bath.” This fol lows the pat tern of YEHOVAH
                 rag!                                           God’s cre ative days, as in di cated above.

                                                                                           The Berean Voice
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