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                          The House of Israel

                                                                legislature elected by universal suffrage. As one would
                  Norway -- Israel's Northern                   expect, almost all Norwegians are of the Protestant
                                                                faith, Lutheranism being subscribed to by the great ma-
                                  Flank                         jority, and a relatively high number of missionaries are
                                                                maintained abroad. The maritime skill of the Norwe-
                                                                gian needs no undue emphasis here, but it is not gener-
                The Kingdom of Norway ("The Northern Way") is,  ally recognized that Norway's merchant fleet is one of
                both geographically and ethnologically, one of the  the largest in the world. She is an active member of the
                most fascinating components of modern Israel. Occu-  North Atlantic Treaty Organization and is able to pro-
                pying the western and northern part of the Scandinavian  vide the armies of her allies with excellent facilities
                peninsula, its very extensive coastline, which stretches  for training in Artic warfare.
                right up for some hundreds of miles into the Artic Cir-
                cle, is deeply indented with numerous fiords and                                     -- Reginald H.W. Cox, The Link.
                fringed with hundreds of small islands. In spite of the
                fact that it is a beautiful country of spectacular scenery
                which annually receives more visitors than it has in-  A Chair, Ten Shields, and a
                habitants, Norway is nevertheless one of the least           Tale to Tell
                known countries of Europe.

                The Norwegians have all the marks of an Israel people  When the Coronation Chair [in Westminster Abbey] is
                still outside the Commonwealth and can, with reason-  examined closely, it appears that it was designed to ex-
                able certainty, be numbered among the remnant of the  hibit the Stone [of Scone -- Jacob's Pillow Stone],
                woman's (Israel's) seed who, according to  Revelation  which used to rest on a platform nine inches from the
                12, would fail to reach the sanctuary of the Appointed  floor, supported by four crouching lions. The Stone
                Place in the isles [Britain] north and west of the prom-  could be viewed [before it was moved to Scotland]
                ised land. The four million people who now comprise  from the front and sides of the chair, but according to
                the population of Norway are, indeed, a remnant. The  an article published in 1838 in the  Gentleman's
                great mass of Norsemen from the ten-tribed disper-  Magazine, London. it was not always so.
                sion who reached and settled in this northern outpost
                were destined to move out to help settle both the large  The author, J.R. Planch, wrote at length concerning the
                and the small nations which now comprise the Com-  coronations of the English Monarchs, of the Chair and
                monwealth of Israel.                            Stone, and of the ancient regalia. Excerpts from this
                                                                publication were printed in 1889 in the Rev. W.H.
                This secondary migration, which has been going on for  Poole's book, Anglo-Israel or the Saxon Race (pages
                more than a thousand years, can be said to have started  502-504) and reveal some startling facts:
                in A.D. 793 when we have the first recorded raid on
                England. The subsequent settlement of the northern  "The wooden chair was made for the stone, and has
                and eastern counties of England and the Isle of Man  ever since been its repository. Edward [I] determined
                did not satisfy this roving impulse. In 851 the Norwe-  to have it made of bronze and it was actually com-
                gians established a kingdom in Dublin [Ireland] and,  menced, but it was ultimately constructed of wood;
                twenty years later, they invaded and settled in Iceland.  and that fragment of the old Hebrew race  was em-
                In 911 Rollo established a kingdom in the north of  bedded in new Plantagenet oak.
                France and in 984 the Norwegians settled in Green-
                land. In more recent times the Norwegians have played  "In the wardrobe account of Edward I, among the en-
                a vital part in the colonizing of Canada and the United  tries of the year, we read, 'To Mr. Waller, the painter,
                States.                                         for the costs and expenses incurred by him about mak-
                                                                ing one step at the foot of the new chair in which  the
                The Norwegian has always shown a marked love of  stone from Scotland was set up, in the month of
                freedom and since 1905, when the union with Sweden  March; and for the wages of the carpenter, and for
                was dissolved, Norway has been a constitutional mon-  painting the said step; and for gold and divers colours
                archy, the government being responsible to a    bought for painting the same, together with the making

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