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                strange history connecting it with Empire. He knew the  But why should we conclude that the original "ten
                Scots venerated the Stone and were willing to die for  shields" around the Stone displayed the primary em-
                it. He knew the Scottish nation and believed there was  blems of the ten tribes of the northern House of Israel?
                an aura of fatality, inseparable from their ancient  Because no other emblems would be fitting for that
                Stone, which convinced them that their monachy could  unique situation! Likewise could we say that the origi-
                not be shaken while the relic was in the land; but it  nal painting on the inside of the back of the chair had to
                would suffer great changes were the Stone removed.  be that of Edward the Confessor. Any other person
                So he took the Stone after defeating them in battle.  would have been out of place.

                On the surface he wanted to persuade the Scots that the  One final comment; did Mr. Planch miscalculate? Did
                time for the dissolution of their kingdom had come,  the original design have twelve emblems? It would rep-
                and so dampen their hopes of ever recovering their na-  resent the whole family of Jacob: the House of Israel
                tional liberty. But inwardly Edward dreamed of an Em-  and the House of Judah, united in the uttermost part of
                pire, and he its sovereign lord. Was there truth in the  the earth -- North and West of Jerusalem.
                prophecy about the Stone; he wanted it! To ensure that
                his secret desire was not flawed, he had all the Scottish                                       -- Gloria Counts for Wake Up!
                monuments destroyed, and books and records burned.                                                        July/September 1993.
                                                                     Our Viking Ancestors
                "Unless the fates are faithless grown,
                    And Prophet's voice be vain,
                Where'er is found this Sacred Stone,           The Times, London, recently gave prominence to an
                   The wanderer's race shall reign."           instructive item  Traders Not Raiders by the intrepid
                                                               sea rover, Thor Heyerdahl, of Kon Tiki fame. In addi-
                This detestable act was abhorred by all who knew of it  tion to its absorbing interest to those interested in sea-
                (History of England, by M. Rapine de Thoyras, page  borne comings and goings, it came as especially wel-
                427). Referring to this, de Thoyras wrote "Those re-  come to those of us who are anxious to spread the
                cords were such a loss to the nation, to their posterity  knowledge that our forebears of old time -- Angles,
                and to the world, as time could never replace." And he  Saxons, Vikings, Jutes, Danes and Normans -- are Isra-
                revealed that in a similar manner and from similar mo-  elites by right of lineage and, as such, members of the
                tives many valuable Irish records were also consumed.  Family of Nations chosen by God as His Servant Peo-
                                                               ple, with a mission to maintain the contact between
                After obliterating -- so he thought -- all vestige of  Him and His human family by way of the faith of His
                Scottish freedom and self-rule, Edward took their be-  Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
                loved Stone triumphantly to England, and lost no time
                drafting plans to build a new chair for it. In the Ward-  As a prelude, it is necessary, briefly, to dispel the myth
                robe Account book it is referred to as the Stone from  that the peoples whom, for convenience, we may
                Scotland, not "Scotland's Stone." Also, it seems that  tersely name the  Celto-Saxons are, ethnically speak-
                someone provided knowledge convincing Edward to  ing, 'mongrels.' Two accepted authorities, out of many,
                change from a bronze chair to an oaken chair, and again  may with advantage be quoted. Sir Arthur Keith wrote:
                he appears to have looked back on the history of the  'We are descendants of Celts, Angles, Saxons, Jutes,
                Children of Israel: "And Joshua...took a great stone, Danes, Normans, Flemings and Huguenots....They were
                and set it up there under an oak,...(Joshua 24:26).  not, in a physical sense, different peoples.... Notwith-
                                                               standing exceptions...they are the least be
                It may be that Edward had the lions designed for the  found in any country of Europe." Professor Gunther,
                chair because the "Lion" represents "Kingship," but it is  eminent German anthropologist, affirmed: 'Angles,
                equally possible that he did so because he knew that the  Jutes, Danes, Vikings, Normans...were predominantly
                biblical Judah was symbolically represented by a lion.  Nordic peoples.'
                When it was built the chair had a cover. Had it contin-
                ued in use there would not be a mystery about the  As to water-borne commerce, it is now accepted that
                missing shields. Evidently the step was to assist the  extensive commercial relations existed, eastwards
                monarch's ascent to the high-seated chair. The entire  from Britain as far as Bible lands, by as early as 1600
                structure seems to have been quite an accomplishment.  B.C. The trails were well sailed and well-trodden. In

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