Page 68 - BV2
P. 68

                       “Take up your positions around Babel, all you who draw the bow.  Shoot at her!  Spare no
                       arrows, for she has sinned against Jahwah.

                       Shout against her on every side!  She surrenders, HER TOWERS FALL, her walls are
                       torn down.  Since this is the vengeance of Jahwah, take vengeance on her; do to her as
                       she has done to others.

                       Cut off from Babel the sower, and the reaper with his sickle at harvest.  Because of the
                       sword of the oppressor let everyone return to his own people, let everyone flee to his own

                       “The sower is cut off from Babel” – Babel does not sow the WORDS of Jahwah.  “The
               reaper at harvest is cut off from Babel” – There is no reaping for Jahwah's Kingdom INSIDE Ba-
               bel.  YE MUST COME OUT OF HER. “Come out of her, My People, that ye be not partakers of
               her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.  For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Jah-
               wah hath remembered her sins.” (Revelation 18: 4 and 5)

                       ‘Israel is a scattered flock that LIONS have chased away…..

                       Nimrod was symbolized as a lion in ancient mythology; also the beast of Revelation 13:2
               is describe as having the mouth of a lion.

                       See how the hammer of the whole world is broken and shattered/cut down/broken!  How
                       Babel has become DESOLATION (Shammah) among the nations.

                       Shammah is from Shamem, i.e. Baal-Shamem/Zeus.

                       “I set a trap for you, O Babel and you were caught before you knew it.  You were found
                       and captured because you opposed/defied Jahwah.

                       Way back in the very beginning of Genesis, Nimrod is described as a mighty hunter in op-
               position of Jahwah. The whole of this Nimrod Babylonian Kingdom – the Babylonian Mysteries –
               was set up to oppose Jahwah's Kingdom.

                       Jahwah has opened his arsenal and brought out the weapons of His wrath, for Jahwah Se-
                       baoth (‘a mass of people gathered together at an APPOINTED TIME for the common
                       purpose of worship’) has work to do in the land of the Chaldeans (astrologers).
                       Come against her from EVERY QUARTER, throw open her granaries; pile HER up like
                       heaps of grain (i.e. broken in small pieces); destroy her completely.

                       Kill all her young bulls (i.e. young warriors); let them be led to slaughter.  Woe to them!
                       For their time/day has come, the time of their punishment – their day of reckoning!

                       Cry out.  Fly away – escape from the Land of Babel! Tell Zion: ‘Jahwah our Elohim is
                       avenging for the destruction of the temple by Babylon of Chaldea.

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