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Saturnalia." The apostles warned the early church about this pagan religion, foreseeing that it
               would eventually corrupt the church. Little by little, despite their warnings, the church slipped into
               "apostasy" and the Babylonian Mysteries were established in the apostate church and her (Protes-
               tant) daughters. In The Book of Days   -- Volume 1, page 435, B.R. Chambers reveals that the
               Catholic Church has a festival named the "Festival of St. Satur," which is held on March 29th. Can
               you believe that? The Kingdom of Rome in Hebrew is called "Romith" and the letters add up to

                       This whole system is described in the Catholic Encyclopedia under the subject of "Astrol-
               ogy." Saturn is described as star of the sun -- the great planet and ruler of the heavens. (Note: If the
               serpent in ancient mythology was symbolized by the sun and Saturn was the star of the sun, it
               would strongly suggest why  Saturn was the center of worship in the Babylonian Mystery Relig-
               ion.) The Egyptian priests were undoubtedly taught by the OLD CHALDEAN PRIESTS. The
               Egyptians developed astrology to a condition from which it varies but little today. The hours of the
               day and night received SPECIAL PLANETS AS THEIR RULERS, thus the high and the low
               stood under the influence of the stars which proclaimed through the priests the coming fate of the
               land and its people.

                       The astrology of the ancient people of India was similar, though not as developed. They
               also regarded THE PLANETS AS RULERS OF DIFFERENT HOURS OF THE DAYS. India
               then in turn influenced and helped with the development of astrology in ancient China.

                       The encyclopedia then traces this astrology to Greece. The Assyro-Babylonian and Egyp-
               tian priests taught the GREEK ASTROLOGERS. Both of these priestly castes were called CAL-
               DEANS. It was through the Hellenic (Greek) philosophers that these astrological secrets of the
               Orient reached the profane world. After the overthrow of the Assyro-Babylonian Empire, the
               priests of those regions FOUND REFUGE IN GREECE and spread their teachings by writings and
               word of mouth. Astrology soon consumed the entire philosophical conception of nature among the

                       The JEWS, very soon after they were driven into Western Europe, busied themselves with
               astrological study, being inspired to do so by their own Talmud. This spread of  astrology  was
               furthered by the Jewish scholars living in Christian lands, as astrology was considered a very
               necessary part of their CABALISTIC and TALMUDIC STUDIES.

                       Under the topic "Sunday," the Catholic Encyclopedia states: "The seven planets, known
               to us as Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon, each had an hour of
               the day assigned to them, and the planet which was regent during the first hour of any day of
               the week gave its name to that day. During the first and second century THE WEEK OF
               SEVEN DAYS was introduced into Rome from Egypt, and the Roman names of the planets
               were given to each successive day." (Note: This confirms that the seven day week -- the modern
               pagan week -- did not reach Rome until after the Messiah's death.)

                       The same encyclopedia describes the Gnostic Religion as including the Babylonian relig-
               ion of astrology. "Many scholars have concluded that the culprit that Paul was fighting in Colosse
               was an outbreak of Gnosticism. In order to grasp some of the points Paul makes in his letter to the
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