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In conclusion, Jahwah knew from the beginning that Satan and man would falsify His ap-
               pointments by changing the time, therefore He created a clock in heaven to establish His "ap-
               pointed meetings." As is stated in Psalms 19:1-2, "The heavens DECLARE/rehearse the glory of
               El; and the firmament shewith His handiwork. Day after day prophesying (His) promises; And
               night after night REVEALS (His) KNOWLEDGE." His handiwork IS His creation which points
               back to the Creator. The pagan week certainly does not give glory to the Creator -- only to the
               Babylonian pagan gods.

                       If Jahwah states that "Satan has deceived the whole world," then he has indeed deceived
               the whole world (not just Christianity, but also the Jews). If Jahwah states that this false Mystery
               religion originated in Babylon, then that is where it originated. If Jahwah states that it is His pleas-
               ure to give the kingdom to His "little flock," then His flock is indeed little. If He states that the
               wheat and the tares will be mixed together until the end times, i.e. until the harvest, then they
               will indeed be mixed together until the harvest. I personally believe that this is the separating of
               the wheat and the tares -- this is indeed the beginning of the harvest. The Body of Christ -- the little
               flock -- is receiving the true weekly Sabbath. They are going into the presence of Jahwah -- into
               the Holy of Holies where the SEAT OF MERCY is located -- where there is a true Sabbath of

                Hope of Israel Ministries (Church of God)
                P.O. Box 6772
                Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772

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