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eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.'" Paul relates in Colossians 2 that all
               treasures of wisdom and knowledge are stored up in the Messiah. This wisdom and knowledge are
               revealed to those IN THE MESSIAH but they are hidden to those outside.

                       Now that we understand how to obtain Jahwah's wisdom let's begin the study. In order to
               understand the Mysteries of Babylon, we must follow the leading of the Ruwach ha'qodesh [spirit
               of God] as related first in Scriptures and second in history as it fills in the blank spaces. History
               tells us astrology is the origin of all pagan religious systems since the time of the Tower of Babel.
               The seven planetary gods/heads/lords of ancient astrology were the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Ve-
               nus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, which were inscribed on the top of the Tower of Babel. "Thus they
               said, 'Go, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top (is inscribed) with the heavens...'" (Genesis
               11:4) This historical information will help us to understand how the planetary gods of Babel and
               the number 666 are tied together, i.e. how the Mystery Babylonian Religion can be traced from Ba-
               bel in Genesis 11 to the woman that rides the scarlet coloured beast in Revelation 17.

                       II Kings 23:4 and 5 gives some insights on what the Babylonian Mystery Religion, i.e. Baal
               worship, was all about: "Then the king commanded Hilkiah the high bring out of the
               House/Temple of Jahwah all the vessels that were made for Baal, for Asherah/grove, and for all
               the host of heaven...He expelled the pagan priests ordained by the kings of Judah to burn incense
               on the high places of the cities of Judah, and on those around Jerusalem -- those pagan priests who
               burned incense to Baal -- to the sun, to the moon, and to the planets (the seven heavenly lights
               that rule over the days of the pagan week) -- to all the host of heaven." Note: Asherah is (#842 in
               the Strong's Concordance) the name of a Phoenician goddess. A straight, perpendicular wooden
               pole represented this goddess in this ancient religion. It was a Sacred Pole used to keep time, i.e.
               to set the pagan feasts. It seems quite obvious that Paul is speaking of these same poles in Gala-
               tians 4:3, 8, 9, and 10:

                       So we also, when we were infants, we were enslaved under the ELEMENTS of the world;
                       (In A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the Greek and English New Testament by
                       Ethelbert Bullinger, Page 247, it states "elements" is from the Greek word "stoicheion,"
                       which means a small upright rod, especially the gnomon of the sundial or the shad-
                       ows thrown by it.) Formerly, when you did not know Jahwah, you were slaves to gods,
                       who are not gods at all. (i.e. the gods/lords of the seven heavenly lights of Babylonian
                       Worship). But now, after you have come to know Jahwah, or rather to be known by Yah-
                       wah, how can you turn back again to the weak/powerless and destitute ELEMENTS/ SA-
                       CRED POLES. Why do you want to be in bondage to them all over again? (In bondage to
                       these gods through using these Sacred Poles to set false festival times.) You are observing
                       (setting times) special days, months, set times, and years (instead of Jahwah's sacred days,
                       months, set times, and years.)

                       The most sacred numbers in Astrology were 1, 6, 12, 36, 111, and 666. According to Roy
               Anderson in Revelation of John, the pagan priests wore amulets called "Sigilla Solis" -- the "Sun
               Seal" which symbolized 36 constellations. The amulet was divided into thirty-six squares. (Note:
               The numbers 1+2+3 to 36, when added up, equal the number of the "mystery god" -- "the hidden
               one," 666.) In the squares, numbers 1-36 were arranged in such a way as to total 111 either hori-
               zontally or vertically. The two diagonals of the square also total 111.
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