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MOUNTAINS; the mountain is...the abode for the gods." The Tower of Babel (a seven-tiered
               ziggurat) was inscribed with the seven luminary lights: the sun, the moon, and the five planets of
               Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. History relates that ziggurats of Babylonia were topped
               with either an observatory for watching the heavenly illuminaries or a sanctuary dedicated to the
               god or gods they worshipped. Other scholars believe that each of the seven tiers of the Tower of
               Babel was dedicated to one of the seven lights of heaven.

                       The modern pagan week is named after these same heavenly lights according to their RIS-
               INGS that rule over the first hour of each day, i.e. they are the LORDS or MASTERS or HEADS
               ruling that day. The seven-day week, as created by Jahwah, was shown BY THE PHASES OF
               THE MOON, not by the risings of these seven pagan gods of the Babylonian Mysteries. So there
               would be no question as to when His week began and ended, Jahwah created a big, big clock in
               the heavens. The true weekly Sabbath -- the appointed time for meeting with Jahwah -- the day that
               is sanctified and set apart by Jahwah at creation -- is appointed BY THE PHASES OF THE
               MOON. This Sabbath is Jahwah's sign or mark as stated in Exodus 32:13: It is the "sign/mark be-
               tween Me and you FOREVER SO THAT YOU MAY KNOW that it is Jahwah that
               sanctifies/purifies you." The true Sabbath gives glory and points to the Creator. It is interesting that
               the Greek word for "Mountain" -- oros is akin to #142 -- airo -- which means, "to expiate sin."

                       If the true Sabbath is Jahwah's mark, then the MARK OF THE BEAST -- 666 -- has to re-
               fer to the keeping of a FALSE SABBATH CREATED BY THE DEVIL and his Babylonian Mys-
               tery System. This false sabbath -- this false appointed time -- is Satan's way of leading mankind
               away from Jahwah. As it says in Revelation 12, that old serpent -- dragon -- Satan -- the Devil --
               has deceived the whole world.

                       Luke 3:4-6 and Isaiah 40:3-5 states that "...MOUNTAINS AND HILLS will be brought
               low." Is it referring to these SEVEN MOUNTAINS/HILLS of Revelation 17? Zechariah 8:2-3
               calls Zion "the MOUNTAIN OF JAHWAH Sebaoth -- the HOLY/SEPARATED MOUN-
               TAIN." ( Sebaoth   denotes a mass of people gathered/assembled together at an APPOINTED

                       Lucifer himself is seated on the MOUNTAIN OF FEASTS/APPOINTED TIMES to de-
               ceive, as is found in Isaiah 14:13: "For thou (Lucifer) has said in thine heart, 'I will ascend into
               heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of El; I WILL SIT ALSO UPON THE MOUNT OF
               THE APPOINTED TIMES/FESTIVALS             on the sides of the NORTH." In the King James "ap-
               pointed times" is translated as "congregation;" the Hebrew word is moed       -- #4150 in the
               Strong's Concordance, which can also refer to the appointed festivals of Jahwah. "North" is the
               word  tsaphon   which also means "hidden;" it is from the word  tsaphan      (6845 in  Strong's
               Concordance) which means TO HIDE BY COVERING OVER; KEEP SECRET. Lucifer is hiding
               Jahwah's true Sabbaths by covering them over. It is also interesting to take note of the name "Luci-
               fer." The name is from 1984 (Strong's) halal which means "to shine" or "give light."

                       Here is some food for thought. Does the Battle of Har-ma-ged-don refer to this same
               Mountain of Appointed times? Sometime ago, one of the web sites I visited wrote an article on the
               word "Harmageddon." This site traced the word back to the Hebrew word "moed." A Biblical

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