Page 26 - BCCA4
P. 26

               16. The “natural” man A. can receive the things of the spirit B. is of Isaac’s
               line only C. has the spirit of this world D. is “born from above”.

               17. The Nephilim were A. of the line of Adam B. on the earth before the un-
               ion of the “sons of God” and the “daughters of men” C. the “mighty men” of

               renown D. only on the earth after the union of the “sons of God” and the
               “daughters of men”.

               18. What did adding the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet to Abram and
               Sara’s names mean? A. That the spirit of YEHOVAH God was embedded
               in their genes B. That YEHOVAH God decided to rename them because of

               obedience  C.  That  they  were  marked  by  YEHOVAH  God  because  Sara
               was too old to bear children D. That they only had an earnest of the holy

               19. Adam and Eve were told by YEHOVAH God A. to eliminate the people
               of the Genesis 1 creation B. to allow Cain to stay in the garden C. to “tend
               and keep” the garden D. to multiply and subdue the earth.

               20. What were the Pharisees accused of by the Messiah? A. Corrupting the
               Temple ritual B. Keeping the Sabbath at the wrong time C. Not observing

               the New Moons correctly D. Promulgating false doctrines that rendered the
               word of YEHOVAH God of none effect.

               21. The name of the city Cain built was A. Memphis B. Caleh C. Enoch D.


               22. The Judahite historian Josephus mentions that A. all of mankind were

               destroyed in the Flood B. Noah and his family were drowned before they
               could  get into the ark  C.  others beside the family of Noah survived the
               Flood D. the Nephilim drowned in the Flood.

                  The answers will be found in the next lesson. Following the completion of

                  the Hope of Israel Bible Correspondence Course you will receive a Cer-
                 tificate of Completion. If you complete the course with a grade of 75%
                 or better, you will receive an Outstanding Student Award.

                    Answers to Questions in Lesson 3:

                  1-C, 2-B, 3-A, 4-D, 5-A, 6-A, 7-B, 8-D, 9-B, 10-D, 11-A, 12-D, 13-B, 14-C,

                  15-A, 16-D, 17-C, 18-C
                                                                                                  26 | P a ge

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