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               sons of God came in unto the daughters of men...'

               "Notice that there  were giants 'in those days' and 'also after that' time as
               well.  Since  the  giants  could  only  be  coming  from  the  sons  of  God  inter-
               breeding with the daughters of men, and since God wiped out the first in-
               stance of this with the Great Flood, this would have to mean that such cou-
               plings have occurred more than just once  before the  flood" (End Time
               Thunder Publishers, Bozeman,  MT 2009, pages  120-121,  128 and 130-

               3. Notice what we find in the book Hard Sayings of the Bible, by Kaiser,
                                                                              Davids,       Bruce       and

                                                                              "...there are such over-
                                                                              whelming problems with
                                                                              it [the angel theory] that
                                                                              it is not recommended
                                                                              as the solution to this
                                                                              problem. While it is true,
                                                                              of  course,  that the  term
                                                                              'sons of God' does occur
                                                                              in Job 1:6, 2:1 and 38:7
                                                                              with       the      meaning
                                                                              'angels'  (and  that the
                Angels Cannot Marry                                           phrase  'sons of the

                                                                              Mighty'  appears in Ps.
               29:1 and 89:7 with the meaning 'angels'), it does not fit well here for several

               "Nowhere else in Scripture are we told that angels married humans. In fact,
               our Lord specifically  stated that  angels DO NOT marry  (Mk. 12:25). And
               though the Septuagint  translated the expression as being equivalent to
               'angels,' it is in fact only the Alexandrian manuscript that does so. The criti-
               cal edition by Alfred Rahlfs does not reflect the angelic interpretation.

               "Even more serious is the problem of why judgment should fall on the hu-
               mans and on the earth if the angels of heaven were the cause of the trou-
               bles. God should have flooded  heaven,  not the  earth. The culprits came
               from  above;  the  women  seem  to  have  been doing  nothing  except  being

                                                                                                   9 | P a ge

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