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               3. What does Genesis 6:9 say?

               COMMENT:  Noah  was “pure  in  his generations”  and  so  he  and  his racially
               unmixed  family  were  preserved  whilst  those  outside  of  the  ark  were  de-
               stroyed. This is only about those on the “face of the earth”, a phrase  which
               does not mean the whole globe. Later, the Children of Israel were to destroy
               the mixed breed of the Canaanites.  These  could NOT “receive the  things of
               the spirit of God”.

               4. What was it that this people could not do? Romans 8:16.

               COMMENT: They could NOT witness in their spirit and say, “The spirit itself
               beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God”, as an Israelite
               is able to do. This principle is a continuing theme in the Bible.

               5. What was  YEHOVAH God restoring through  Abraham  and Sarah?  John

               COMMENT: Through Abraham and Sarah, YEHOVAH God was restoring the
               spiritual power for Abraham’s seed to “become the Sons of God”. YEHOVAH
               was making a  new beginning  with  Abraham. None  other than the seed of
               Abraham, through the child of promise, Isaac, has this opportunity or potential.

               6. What are we told in Hebrews 11:18?

               COMMENT: Abraham’s seven other sons did not have this seed identity be-

               cause they were not “In Isaac”. The descendants of Isaac were begotten of
               the spirit from their conception.

               7. What are those who believe among Isaac’s descendants regarded as? Ga-
               latians 3:16; II Corinthians 1:21-22.

               COMMENT: As being anointed by the spirit.

               8. Does I Corinthians 2:7-16 confirm this?

               COMMENT:  Paul confirms this  telling the “brethren” (kinsmen of the same
               womb of  Sarah) that they  have not  received the  spirit of the  world,  but the
               spirit of YEHOVAH God (verse 12). He says that through this we might know
               (or comprehend) the things that are freely given to us, (the  brethren), of
               YEHOVAH God. He goes on to further declare that the “natural” man (those
               not born of Isaac’s line) cannot receive the things  of the spirit of
               YEHOVAH God. He agrees  with the Messiah  who says that anyone  who is
               not begotten of the original sowing (in the womb of Sarah) cannot “see” the

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