Page 31 - BCCA3
P. 31

               6. What did the Messiah say? Matthew 12:31.

               COMMENT: We have read earlier, “None that go unto her return again, nei-
               ther take they hold of the paths of life”. The consequences are identical!

               To Conclude

               From the context of the Book of Jude, there are persons who are, “not hav-
               ing the spirit”, that are obviously found within the assemblies of YEHOVAH’s
               people. Like it was in Sodom and Gomorrah, these had gone after “strange"
               (= “hetros” = not the same) flesh that was not matching theirs.

               1. What does Jude say they are? Jude 6.

               COMMENT: Their mouths speak“great swelling words” and they like being
               admired  --  (Jude 13). They may even be pastors, have ministries, church
               newsletters and sound more spiritual than others. They will practice a form of
               separation (Jude 19).

               To those untaught, the genetic code may seem far removed from the Gospel
               as  commonly  presented.  But  the  real “great commission” is about the King-
               dom of Heaven. This is the Kingdom that is to be restored to Israel. This
               Kingdom has a king, laws, territory and a particular people belonging to that
               king. The Gospel is addressed to Israelites and is about Israelites. It is to
               those  whose  names  were  written  in  the  “Book  of  Life”  and  written
               there “before the foundation  of the  earth”. This is to whom the Gospel is
               addressed alone. The disciples were told to go to “all nations” where Israel-
               ites had been “scattered”.

               2. What was the message to these Israelites that were found within, but not
               “of” other races? Matthew 4:17.

               COMMENT:  The  Messiah  said  to  his  disciples, “But  rather  rejoice,  because
               your names are written  in heaven” (Luke 10:20). The Messiah  had not paid
               the  price  at  that  time! Each  of  these  Israelite  disciples’  names  was  AL-
               READY “written” (in the Book)!! They did not write them in themselves, or
               do anything to have their names written in, because the grammatical "voice"
               of this statement is passive. Where were the names  written? They were al-
               ready written in heaven in YEHOVAH God’s  Book. WHEN  were their
               names written? Again -- it was, “before the foundation of the world”!

               3. Was the basis of being found written in the Book a matter of genetic elec-
               tion? I Peter 1:2.

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