Page 33 - BCCA3
P. 33

               Select  one  of  the  four  choices  given  under  each  question or  incomplete
               statement. The other three are incorrect -- unless stated or indicated oth-

               Take sufficient time to understand each question or statement, as well as
               the choices. Try to do as many as you can without referring to the lesson. If
               you have difficulty deciding on the correct answer, then review the part of
               the lesson in question.

               1.    What  peoples have their names  written  in  the  Book  of Life?  A.  The
               Edomites B. All races C. The Israelites D. The “Jews” (as we know them to-

               2. When does the Bible say the names will be written in the Book of Life? A.
               As  the  person  involved  repents  of  his  sins  B.  Before  the  foundation  of  the
               world C. At the time of the resurrection D. At the end of the Millennium.

               3. Who does the Bible say was racially “pure in his generations”? A. Noah B.
               Abraham C. The apostle Paul D. The prophet Amos.

               4. Which pure line contained the spiritual breath of life? A. The line of Cain B.

               The line of Cush C. The Ethiopian royal line D. The line from Adam to Abra-

               5.  YEHOVAH  God  prohibits  the  eating  of  blood  because  A.  it  contains  the
               “life” or “soul” of that person or animal B. it is not nutritious for the human body
               C.  it might contain dangerous  pathogens  D.  it is supposed to be  used for

               6. Eternal life is to be given to those A. redeemed out of those written in the
               Book of Life  B.  of  all races who profess  the LORD  C.  who  belong to the
               Protestant churches D. of Israel who profess Islam.

               7. The genetic composition of “tares” A. allows them to change into “wheat”
               B. destines them to be cast into the Lake of Fire C. allows them to be justified
               before YEHOVAH God D. allows them to be mixed with wheat.

               8. The returnees from Babylon at the time of Ezra and Nehemiah,  who had
               foreign wives, were A. sent back to Babylon B. allowed to keep their wives if
               idolatry was not involved C. told to make sacrifices in the Tabernacle to atone
               for their errors D. were commanded to divorce their wives and children.

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