Page 24 - BCCA3
P. 24

               why YEHOVAH God set boundaries to the different races. He even separated
               the inheritance area of each tribe of Israelites!

               4. In the Bible, are the use of words such as “generations” (in the sense of a
               genetic line of descent) frequent? Genesis 6:8-9.

               COMMENT:  The  word  “generations” is  a “gene”  word. Biblical genetics is  a
               neglected subject. In this respect we are told Noah was “perfect” (or com-
               plete) in his genes. This enabled him to walk with YEHOVAH God. But why
               did Noah survive the flood? This passage goes on to tell us, “And God looked
               upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way
               upon  the  earth”. The  word “corrupted” is  the  same  as  that  shown  earlier  in
               Exodus 32:7, “Thy people,  which thou  broughtest  out of the land of Egypt,
               have corrupted themselves”. How did they become corrupted (spoiled)? IT

               It was not the Ark that saved Noah -- YEHOVAH God had Noah build the Ark
               because he was “perfect in his generations”, and besides that, “He walked
               with  God”. Racial  corruption  always  tends  towards  idolatry  and  not  walking
               with YEHOVAH God. There is  much about “corruption” with this meaning
               throughout the Old Testament. Religious translation “doctors” have taken the
               scalpel to the  matter of  Noah being  “perfect in his generations”. This has
               been  taken  out  of  most  versions  since  the  KJV.  The  version  makers  have
               been clever  in  excising  similar things, thus  deceiving  the majority  of  church

               5. Can Israelites can be “cast off” and “cut off” for other reasons? II Chroni-
               cles 36:16.

               COMMENT: But after punishment and chastisement they can be restored.

               They may sin until there is no healing, but when they commit idolatry they are
               “spoiled” and when “spoiled” THERE IS “NO REMEDY”.

               6. The Book of Jude tells us about such people in the church scene. Verse 19
               and verse 23.

               COMMENT: These two groups are poles apart. The first group predominates

               in denominational churches (“not having the spirit”). Ethnic churches are, “not
               having the spirit”, and could not possibly be any different!

               7. There is a verse in picture form that may have a bearing on this subject –
               notice! Amos 9:7.

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