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Lesson 40 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 25



Answers to Questions in Lesson 39: ___________________________________

1. Cows and heads of grain. 2. olive oil Additional Reading:
3. 4th -- the pale horse. 4. False religion.
5. Weighing the heart. 6. That Two Gods? -- A Fantastic Voyage in
YEHOVAH’s truth has been corrupted, Logic!
commercialized and measured out. 7.
addicted to the deceitful mechandizing of Did the Messiah Pre-Exist?
the gospel. 8. false church. 9. The Son
of YEHOVAH God and creator of angels. 12 Proofs the Messiah DID NOT
10. True religion. 11. overwhelmed and Pre-Exist!
hid from the world the true gospel. 12.
pagan Greek elements flooded into the Who, REALLY, Was the Father of the
visible church. 13. Hellenistic Messiah?
philosophy 14. The cult of the Oriental
mother goddess. 15. Wheat. 16. The Pre-Existence and the Messiah!
going forth of the Good News of the
Kingdom of YEHOVAH God. Yeshua the Messiah Did NOT Pre-Exist!

The Messiah’s Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?
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