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24 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 40

after YEHOVAH God’s purpose is accom- 11. What do we find in the New Testa-
plished. It was the purpose and PLAN of the ment? Mark 12:28-30.
Omnipotent God for His future “Anointed” that 12. What does Mark also say in Mark
had been “alongside” the Father “before creation 12:32-34?
existed.” 13. Now let’s go to John 17:1 & 3.
13. What did the Messiah say AFTER his 14. Does the apostle James echo this?
resurrection? Matthew 28:18. James 2:19.
COMMENT: When you couple this fact 15. What else does James say? James
with the direct declaration by Paul that “...if the 4:12.
Anointed One has not been raised, then our 16. Now let’s go to Jude. Jude 4 and
heralding is meaningless, and your trust is Jude 25.
meaningless...if the Anointed One was not 17. Let’s see what Paul says in Ephe-
raised, your trust is deceptive: you are still in sians 4:4-6.
your sins.” 18. Now I Corinthians 8:4.
We are reminded that the Messiah 19. Also I Corinthians 8:6.
COULD NOT have been “God incarnate” or our 20. What does Paul say in I Timothy
resurrection and atonement would NOT have 1:17 and 2:5?
been CONDITIONED upon his resurrection. If 21. Finally, what does John say in Reve-
the Messiah was indeed “God incarnate” accord- lation 1:1?
ing to the Trinitarian and Two-God views, then COMMENT: This is just a SAMPLE of
Paul’s rhetorical question to Agrippa could cer- the many verses that CLEARLY state that
tainly have been asked of the Messiah with or YEHOVAH God was ALONE (with the excep-
without his resurrection: tion of the angels) until Yeshua the Messiah
“What!? Do you judge it incredible that joined Him after his resurrection from the dead
God raises the dead?” (Acts 26:8). to sit at YEHOVAH’s right hand.
These scriptures are so PLAIN and
YEHOVAH Has the Final Word! CLEAR that they form the basis for the TRUTH
that there was originally only ONE GOD -- and
Are there any straight-forward, easy-to- that One God was YEHOVAH, our Father who
understand, powerful, impossible to misunder- is in heaven.
stand scriptures that state there were originally WHO is God? In the beginning the One
two or three Gods -- and not just one God? Or God, YEHOVAH, the God of Israel, the God of
will we find the reverse to be true? BOTH the Old and New Testaments, our Father,
1. Take a look at Deuteronomy 4:39. began creating. THE FATHER ALONE IS THE
2. Now let’s go to Deuteronomy 6:4-5. CREATOR GOD as is CLEARLY stated in the
3. What does Isaiah 42:8 clearly say? first of the Ten Commandments.
4. What does YEHOVAH God say in The Messiah was a HUMAN BEING in
this verse? Isaiah 43:10. every sense of the word and was ADOPTED by
5. What does YEHOVAH unequivo- YEHOVAH God for a very special purpose that
cally say in Isaiah 44:6? was planned from before the Creation. Yeshua
6. What about Isaiah 45:5? was able to grow and overcome as a HUMAN
7. Is there anyone else in Isaiah 45:18? BEING, and was not, nor ever had been, God. If
8. Does YEHOVAH God confirm this in he could do it, we can too -- with the help of
Isaiah 45:21? YEHOVAH God the Father. YEHOVAH, the
9: How about Isaiah 45:22? One God, is the ONE and ONLY Creator!
10. Let’s go now to Psalm 72:18.

The Messiah’s Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?
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