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Lesson 40 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 23

MANENT glory at their resurrection. filled at the RESURRECTION of the Messiah.
8. This is described by Paul in I Cor- The reader can see the SIMILARITIES in the
inthians 15:43-44. Notice his explanation. two scriptures. WHEN was the Messiah en-
COMMENT: From the above text, one throned upon the throne of David? Peter says
can surmise that the believer’s future this happened AT THE RESURRECTION
resurrection therein described would accomplish (Acts 2:29-33). WHEN was the Messiah highly
for them what the resurrection of the Messiah exalted and given a name above every name?
EXALTATION IS DIFFERENT. The glory says Paul (Philippians 2:5ff). And yet, if the
received by the resurrected believer will be Messiah had actually been God incarnate,
obtained through what the Messiah accomplish- NONE of the things mentioned, that he received,
ed and will be SHARED by them with the Mes- would have been dependent upon any resurrec-
siah. tion whatsoever!
9. This sharing is described in Romans 12. Notice, now, I Corinthians 15:22-
8:17 and Ephesians 2:6. 28.
COMMENT: Now of WHAT did this COMMENT: In this passage Paul also
glorification of the Messiah consist? At least the gives the order that these things will occur and
following: also says that after all is accomplished according
* He was highly exalted (Philippians to this PLAN and PURPOSE, the Messiah will
2:9); remain SUBJECT to YEHOVAH God the
* He was given a name above every Father.
name (Philippians 2:9); These verses say volumes about the
* He was to be confessed, worshiped as subject under discussion. In the first place, the
Lord by everyone (Philippians 2:10; Messiah -- being of “Adam” in that he was 100%
* He was seated at YEHOVAH God’s HUMAN -- died but was resurrected as a “first-
right hand (Hebrews 1:3); fruit.” YEHOVAH God performs this subjection
* He became the believer’s intercessor or “arrangement” as PART OF A PRESET Plan.
(Romans 8:34); Even though some insist on his incarnate
* He became the believer’s forerunner Deity because of the supreme dominion that was
and “anchor of life” (Hebrews 6:19); ascribed to him, the above verses would seem to
* He was proved to be the “son of God teach NOTHING OF THE KIND while alluding
with power” (Romans 1:4). to his rule. It says that the Messiah WILL RULE
We could go on but this should suffice. UNTIL all enemies are placed under him and
What needs to be stressed is that these attributes then he WILL assume a SUBORDINATE
were ACQUIRED AFTER HIS RESURREC- ROLE in relationship to the Father when YE-
TION. Whatever tribute he received BEFORE HOVAH God returns to this earth. This points
his death and resurrection was LIMITED and out once again the DISTINCTION between the
due to the anointing power that rested upon him. son of man and God the Father.
10. What did the Messiah receive when This would also again confirm that the
he went to the Father AFTER his resurrection? prayer of the Messiah already quoted (John
Psalm 2:7-9. 17:5) certainly did NOT refer to his returning to
COMMENT: He received the rewards the rank of God as is erroneously taught. Rather,
of his “begottening.” the Corinthian testimony speaks to the receiving
11. Is this not a FULFILLMENT of of rank and privilege as the resurrected,
Isaiah 9:6? begottened and exalted “son” of Psalm 2 and
COMMENT: The above Psalm was ful- Isaiah 9:6 -- then becoming SUBORDINATE

The Messiah’s Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?
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