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22 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 40

lieved in a resurrection of the body LONG NEVER answered! You will remember from
BEFORE the Messiah arrived on the scene. Luke 24:39 and I Corinthians 15:28 that the
They were not counting upon the good graces of Messiah was resurrected as a MATERIAL BE-
the future Anointed One, however, but were ING of “flesh and bones” and later, at the “end”
simply dependent upon the POWER of YEHO- would become subject to the Father.
VAH God. The Messiah’s glorification -- as his
4. Who, however, did YEHOVAH God prayer indicates -- was going to be accomplished
give judgment to and make into “a life-giving AFTER his resurrection. This was the order in
spirit” at his “begottening”? John 5:22-27. which it occurred. The Messiah was fore-

5. Notice, in this verse, how the resur- known. The Messiah was predestined as the
rection is connected or coupled with “begotten- Anointed One. The Messiah was born of a
ing.” Acts 13:32-37. woman and his father was Joseph the car-
COMMENT: The above teaches that penter (John 6:42). The Messiah was called.
the resurrection was also the “TODAY” of be- The Messiah was righteous and therefore he
gottening. It also points out that if YEHOVAH needed no justification. The Messiah died and
God had NOT raised the Messiah from the dead, was buried. The Messiah was resurrected and
Yeshua NEVER would have received “the godly then glorified. As believers, the order of OUR
and trustworthy things of David.” Again I ask glorification TAKES MUCH THE SAME
WHY, if the Messiah was actually “God incar- PATH.
nate,” was his personal resurrection NECES- 7. Assuming that believers are also born
SARY for us to obtain the promises? Could not of women and with human fathers, compare
he -- as a member of the “godhead” -- have resur- what is said in Romans 8:28-30 and see if this is
rected us REGARDLESS? If not WHY not? not the case.
And yet our resurrection was CONTINGENT COMMENT: It is interesting to note
upon the Messiah’s atonement and subsequent that the above verses speak to a “pre-existence”
resurrection as “a life-giving spirit.” of all those in the Anointed Messiah, but NONE
Just as Adam existed as the ONLY tries to use this text to prove OUR LITERAL
CREATED son of YEHOVAH God, so the Mes- PRE-EXISTENCE! As far as the Messiah is
siah -- before his resurrection -- existed as the concerned, the ONLY REAL DIFFERENCE is
“ONLY BEGOTTEN son” of YEHOVAH God. that he is the PARAGON of the above descrip-
In this sense, however, UNIQUENESS is being tion of believers, i.e., our being foreknown,
emphasized more than honor and glory. How- predestined, called, justified and glorified. The
ever, when the messiah was RESURRECTED Messiah, however, had NO NEED for inter-
from the dead a real, DEFINITIVE DIFFER- cession since he was SINLESS and therefore
ENCE between he and Adam occurred. A “be- assumed the role of MEDIATOR.
gottening of glorification” and coronation hap- As you probably noted, what is lacking
pened. in the parallel above is the resurrection of the
6. What does this prayer of the Messiah, believer. In the SAME WAY that the glory of
uttered just BEFORE his death prove? John YEHOVAH God rested upon the Messiah
17:5. BEFORE his resurrection through his anointing,
COMMENT: This proves that the glori- first-century believers had LIMITED GLORY
fication of the Anointed One did NOT take place through their faith in him and an anointing.
BEFORE his death and resurrection -- but AF- However, just as the Messiah received a per-
TER! manent “resurrection begottening” and much
If this prayer of the Messiah refers to his greater glory, believers will receive a “resurrec-
pre-existence as God, then his prayer was tion begottening” and GREATER AND PER-

The Messiah’s Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?
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