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                       Today the Pope has world-wide fame. Thousands attend masses he performs. His travels
               and activities are given far-reaching news coverage. He is visited by presidents and kings. In the
               eyes of many, he is a man of peace and good will. Million upon millions of Roman Catholics look
               to the Pope as the head of the church, a belief that is foundational to the entire structure of Roman
               Catholicism. If the Pope is the head of the Church, then Protestants and Church of God adherents
               surely err by not acknowledging him as such. But if he is not, what can be said about a system that
               makes such a claim? The BIBLE clearly teaches that the head of the Church is Yeshua the Messiah
               -- and that the Papacy is the Antichrist. For this position there are strong scriptural and historical
               proofs, as we have seen in this article. Will you ignore these facts?

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