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                literally YEHOAH means "shall/is/was" -- that is, the  the so-called study Bibles have a theological bias of
                Eternal, the Ever-living One  who will be, is and al-  one form or another. I use many different Bibles in my
                ways was. This is WHY the pronunciation YEHOAH is  research, comparing the way they rend the scriptures
                preferable -- or even the more popular form, YEHO-  I'm interested in. Sometimes you have to go back to
                VAH, since it clearly reflects this profound meaning.  the original Greek and Hebrew to get the true meaning
                YAH would then be the contracted or shortened form  of a verse.
                of this full Name, taking the first and last sounds
                together.                                      One Bible and commentary that I use frequently is the
                                                               Jewish New Testament and the Jewish New Testa-
                I just received The Berean Voice and I wanted you to  ment Commentary by David H. Stern. Others I use are
                clear something up for me. On page 18 you gave a list  the Septuagint and Tanakh for the Old Testament, and
                of Jesuit-inspired Futurist deception spreads to Amer-  commentaries such as Clarke's. Sorry I can't be more
                ica's Protestant churches and seminaries. I was not  specific.
                sure if you meant that these Bibles were not ones we
                should read. I know that most of the people on the list  Regarding the  Hope of Israel Bible Correspondence
                preach the Rapture but some of them I didn't think they  Course, it is up for review and will be vastly changed in
                did, so I was not sure what the list meant.    certain areas as a result of what we have learned is re-
                                                               cent years.
                Can you recommend a good study Bible. I have been
                using the Companion Bible and have a lot of informa-  Hi John,
                tion from the Worldwide Church of God that was un-
                der Herbert Armstrong, and as well have studies from  By the way, as I was deleting my sent files, I re-read
                Garner Ted Armstrong. I have seen how the Worldwide  what I had written you the other day and wanted to clar-
                Church of God has changed under Joseph Tkach and  ify something. When I am speaking of the "Jews" in Je-
                this has confused me. I want to keep myself straight  sus' day, I'm speaking primarily of the "authorities,"
                and don't want to get off track.               (i.e. Pharisees, Herodians, etc.). Obviously many
                                                               "Jews" (of Judah and Benjamin) were His sheep. But
                I have also listened to studies with Arnold Murray. I  whoever those "Jews" were who kept looking for an
                don't agree with everything that everyone says and  "occasion to stone Him," were not. (John 10:22-38).
                check things out for myself. Can you please help to
                recommend a good study Bible.                  I'm a little paranoid about making any such statements
                                                               these days. It seems like no matter what I say about
                I have downloaded the Bible Study Courses on your  "Jews" it suddenly is "antisemitic." Just want to let you
                website but have not started them yet. Some of them  know that's not my intent. AND, that whatever I may
                were off-line and I could not download. Will they be  write with regard to your works is okay to be taken
                available soon? Please recommend a good study Bible  with a "grain of salt" if necessary. I'm correctable!
                or will you offer one? Also, some of the older Bibles
                mentioned in your article about The Story of the Pa-  Blessings,
                gan Christian Logos are they available since they are  J.
                                                               COMMENT: Me too! As long as we remain willing to
                Thank you for your help.                       be corrected by the word of God, there's hope for us! I
                P.J.                                           appreciate your input and consider what you have writ-
                                                               ten me. I will comment on that more in the next issue
                COMMENT: The list you mention in the March-April  of the BV.
                issue of  The Berean Voice refers primarily to those
                preaching about the Futurist viewpoint of prophecy --  I can understand your paranoia regarding what you say
                not necessarily the Secret Rapture. Some preach the  about the Jewish people -- or more specifically, their
                Rapture, some don't.                           beliefs. People just don't seem to see the difference
                                                               between condemning a group's religious practices and
                This doesn't necessarily mean we shouldn't use the Bi-  condemning the people themselves. Was Yeshua anti-
                bles they promote, but we should be careful. Most of  Semitic? By today's standards, I guess so!

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