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                       The fact that John especially mentioned a prominent false doctrine of that time -- the teach-
               ing that Yeshua had pre-existed before his birth -- does not infer that Antichrist would be limited
               in his denial to the same doctrines that those apostates held. Neither those who hold the futurist
               view or those who hold the fulfilled view, limit the errors of Antichrist to this one point of

                                              The Meaning of "Antichrist"

                       Some suppose John's use of the word "antichrist" simply means a person against Christ.
               But millions of people have been  against Christ. Paul, before his conversion, was against Christ
               or Yeshua. Jews, pagans, and members of non-Christian religions in varying degrees have all been
               against Yeshua. However, if John used the word "antichrists" concerning people who professed to
               be Christians -- but who were against Yeshua because of their false doctrines -- we have a very
               specific point of identification! Since  these "antichrists" were a type of the Antichrist to come,
               there is a very strong inference indeed that Antichrist would profess to be a Christian, supposedly
               for Yeshua, yet actually against him because of false doctrine.

                       It is a well-established fact that the word "antichrist" can mean one of the following: (1)
               Against (in opposition) to Christ, (2) instead of (in the place of) Christ, or (3) both meanings.
               States Edward Elliot in Horae Apocalyticae: "When anti is compounded with the noun signifying
               an agent of any kind, or functionary, the compound word either signifies a vice-functionary, or a
               functionary of the same kind opposing, or sometimes both" (Vol. 1, pps. 67, 68).

                       A good example of the word having both meanings can be found within the terminology of
               the Roman Catholic Church itself. At times in Catholic history two men at one time have  claimed
               to be pope. The one who was considered to be a hostile, self-substituted, usurping pope, was
               called an "antipope." Such a "pope" positioned himself in place of the Pope, as the pope, but was,
               as such,  against the Pope -- thus an "antipope." For a man, then, to claim to be the head of the
               Church, in place of Christ, what is this but to be, in reality, against Christ -- or ANTICHRIST?
               The very reason for this is quite simple: In Ephesians 1:22; 4:15; 5:23; and Colossians 1:18
               CHRIST (Yeshua) alone is the head of the Church!

                       In an interesting aside to this, the very title which the Pope of Rome bears -- "Vicar of
               Christ" -- can only be turned into Greek as "Antichristos" -- that is, the Vice-christ, substitute
               Christ, or Antichrist! Therefore, the popes have claimed to themselves a title which is the equiva-
               lent of the word coined by the apostle John!

                       Just like the "antichrists" of whom John wrote, so also have the Popes DENIED YESHUA
               by promoting false doctrines that cause men to stray from the faith once delivered. They have even
               dared to oppose Yeshua by teaching things that are the exact opposite of what Yeshua and the
               apostles taught!

                                               The Counter Interpretation

                       Hundreds of books have been written in the contest between Catholics and Protestants. So
               great was the uproar that in 1516 the Fifth Lateran Council rose up FORBIDDING anyone to write
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