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                       Because there were many of these pagan gods, they could not all represent Christ, for all of
               them had slightly different appearances. Augustine, the Catholic official in the fourth century stated
               that there were "in his time, innumerable pictures of Christ, which were all different" (Farrar, p.
               73). We finally see the solidification of these varying pictures (representing many pagan gods) into
               the common one today.

                       Actually, today's representation is the blending together of the chief characteristics of the
               major pagan gods. The wisest and most powerful of the gods were portrayed with beards and long
               hair. The hair and beard represented their ancient wisdom and godliness.

                                  Bible Indicates Christ Did Not Wear Long Hair

                       God's Word very plainly shows that a man should not wear long hair -- it is a shame (I
               Cor. 11:14). Christ did not wear long hair -- as the first pictures show.

                       Some have erroneously assumed that Jesus was under a Nazarite vow (this was a vow of
               extreme humility) in which the hair should, for a period of time, grow long. But this is not so! Jesus
               was from the small town of Nazareth in Galilee and was called "Jesus of Nazareth," but this had
               nothing to do with a Nazarite vow! And the Scripture plainly shows that Christ was not a Nazarite
               while on this earth, for in Matthew 11:19 Jesus, Himself, stated that He came drinking wine. This
               was forbidden under a Nazarite vow (Numbers 6:3).

                       Also, another proof of this is Matthew 26:48, 49. Here it says Jesus had to be kissed in or-
               der for the soldiers to know which one He was. If Christ had been dressed as a Nazarite, with long
               hair and old clothes (in other words, out of the ordinary), the soldiers would have recognized Him
               without His being pointed out.

                       The disciples were also dressed like ordinary men because they were not fasting or under
               a Nazarite vow (Matt. 9:14, 15). The Bible is plain on this matter. Christ and the disciples dressed
               like ordinary men.

                                       How Does Christ Actually Look Today?

                       Christ does not look like the pagan gods of Greece or Rome and as the world portrays Him
               today. There is no resemblance whatsoever. If you want a true Biblical picture of our Christ, turn
               to Revelation 1:13-16. There is the real Christ. It is a description that no artist could paint nor any
               sculptor mold. This is the Christ who has a face that shines as the sun in its full strength. He was so
               bright that John fell at His feet as dead when he saw Him (Rev. 1:17).

                       Here is Christ in His full power and glory -- the Christ of the Bible. And this is the way He
               will appear when He comes back to this earth (Rev. 14:14). Most people will be looking for a
               false Christ -- the one pictured today. What a shock they will have when the REAL CHRIST is

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