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                      Who Are the Present-Day

                                      Scots Anyway?

                                                  William F. Finlayson
                                                     John D. Keyser

                The mosaic presented by the national life of participants to launch "racist" campaigns
                the British peoples these days is one of in-   which actually accuse the English "imperial-
                creasing chaos. Among numerous alien forces    ists" of draining Scotland economically dry.
                at work creating this chaos are two which, al-  However, it seems that fluctuating fortunes
                though contradictory, are mutually destructive. would indicate that this flourishing of pseudo-
                These have become noticeably active in recent  nationalism may be an abortive one: a freak
                years.                                         phase in a dangerously sick society. For the
                                                               British peoples to allow themselves to become
                On the one hand there are those citizens whose  thus disunited at the time of the worst crisis in
                ambition it is to turn the United Kingdom into a  all their history -- when major dangers threaten
                multiracial society, encouraging the ceaseless them from without and within -- would be an
                influx of other races to flood the already over- act of national suicide.
                crowded islands of Britain, and screaming
                "racist" at those who dare object. On the other    The British Peoples Are Racially One
                hand are those who are passionately deter-
                mined to fragment Britain -- demanding "na- The assumption that the people who live in
                tional" independence for the Scots, Irish,     Scotland are racially different from the Eng-
                Welsh, Cornishmen and even the English! lish, Welsh and Irish (which is the basis of
                Strange as it may seem, no one labels them     Scottish nationalism) is very wrong. Scotland
                "racist"!                                      took its name from the Scots, a part of those
                                                               mysterious nomadic tribes called Celts by the
                There is no doubt that many of these people are historians. The Scots, in turn, took their name
                sincere and idealistic but, unfortunately, very  from Scota -- the daughter of Pharaoh Nec-
                naive. They simply do not realize that they are  tonibis of Egypt's 13th Dynasty -- who married
                being deceived by the strategies of alien minds  their ancestor Gathelus (Miletus) during the
                whose purpose is the division and destruction time of Moses. After coming into Ireland from
                of the British nation.                         Egypt and Spain, they later emigrated to Scot-
                                                               land which was then called Alban or Pictland.
                In Scotland there has arisen the Scottish Na-
                tionist Party which, in recent years, has bur-  Already in Scotland were the Picts, made up of
                geoned due to the disillusionment caused by    two main groups composed of a related Celtic
                the failure of successive Westminster govern-  people and a Canaanite or Phoenician people.
                ments to adequately deal with Britain's post-  The Celtic Picts embodied others who had set-
                war crises. Considerable financial support has tled in Scotland at an earlier date, including
                been coming in for this cause, enabling the    the Iberians, the Tuatha de Danaan (tribe of

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