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                something more than mere allies of Britain in her  migration map was shown on TV which conformed pre-
                struggle against evil.                          cisely to the migrations maps that the British-Israelite
                                                                groups have published over many decades.
                          An Ancient Law of Israel
                                                                The discovery of these Western-looking people should
                One further point of supreme interest is that the Salic  not have come as such a surprise. At the turn of the
                Law does not operate in the Netherlands. Thus in Hol-  century (1900), this region of northwest China yielded
                land as in England, a queen may reign in her own right.  some manuscripts penned in a hitherto unknown lan-
                In so doing, both countries observe the Zelophehad law  guage called Tocharian. Dr. Mair says:
                of ancient Israel, whereby a woman may sit on the
                throne where there is no male heir. The national flag of  "These manuscripts, which dated back as far as the 6th
                the Netherlands carries three horizontal bands of red,  century, were mind-boggling. The language bore some
                white and blue. The Dutch arms have also a significant  similarities to Celtic and Germanic. How could such
                affinity with the Royal arms of Britain.        an archaic European language have reached the Chinese
                                                                     -- L. Buxton Gresty
                                                                The answer must lie, he reasoned, with the silk road; an
                        To the Ends of the Earth                ancient 4,000 mile trade route linking China with
                                                                Rome. Silk flowed to the West, while wools and pre-
                                                                cious metals were delivered to China. Archaeologists
                Slowly but surely the hard evidence for the migrations  know that the road was studded with communities but it
                of the Hebrew "Celts" is emerging to settle onto the  was always assumed they were Chinese. It seems that
                public stage. On 23rd March, 1998, a Channel 4 TV  people of European (and Hebrew) descent were sprin-
                programme in Britain, entitled, To the Ends of the  kled among them.
                Earth, provided the most conclusive evidence for the
                migrations ever given by a secular source. On the same  The Chinese have been digging up the mummies since
                day,  The Times, London, carried a feature article on  1979 but kept them concealed from the outside world
                the TV documentary under the headline, "Are China's  for political reasons. For one thing, it challenges the
                mummies our lost cousins?"                      accepted idea that China's advanced civilization devel-
                                                                oped largely in isolation.
                Information presented in the programme and article re-
                vealed that the 3,000-year-old mummies, first un-  We are now very close to an open understanding of
                earthed in the Takla Makan desert in western China in  where the House of Israel went after their captivity in
                the late 1970s, were of western appearance and were  Assyria. The Hebrew (Celts) were known as the Kumri,
                probably the best preserved human remains ever found.  the Ghimri, the Scythians, the Sakae and the Saxsons or
                They have astonished students of ancient history.  "Saac-Sons" -- the "Sons of Isaac."

                The most amazing thing was the mummies' western ap-  The timing for the migration eastward is right.
                pearance; the long noses, red hair and European eyes  Furthermore, when the period of three to six
                were quite noticeable. Their bodies were clothed in  non-existent centuries, the "centuries of darkness," is
                tartan wool, using the colours red, white and blue! The  lifted on the chronology of the ancient world (Egypt
                wonderfully preserved high priestess was particularly  and Greece), a massive logjam to our understanding of
                striking and beautiful. She looked so peaceful in death.  the historical migrations of Israel will be removed.
                Her fingernails were manicured and she had tattoos on
                her hands, forehead and cheeks. She must have been  We are also indebted to the Israeli author, Yair Davidy,
                someone special; quite an important person.
                                                                for his invaluable new research published in recent
                                                                years, which has revealed the widest possible spread of
                Dr. Victor Mair, an expert in archaic languages at the  the descendants of Joseph, or the House of Israel, to
                University of Pennsylvania, speculates that a crucial  "the ends of the earth" (Deuteronomy 33:17).
                split occurred at around 1800 B.C. in south-eastern
                Europe: that while "most of the people (Celts) moved                                                       -- Michael A. Clark
                westward, a small band of them moved east." A

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