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                                                Chief Agent of Yehovah

                       Jesus Christ served and worshipped YEHOVAH His God, the God of His fathers -- the
               One God of Israel! He constantly testified to this in the New Testament: "Yeshua [Christ] an-
               swered him [Satan], 'The Tanakh says, "Worship ADONAI [YEHOVAH, YHVH] your God and
               serve him only"'" (Luke 4:8). Then, in Mark 12:29-30: "Yeshua [Christ] answered, 'The most im-
               portant is, "Sh'ma Israel, ADONAI Eloheynu, ADONAI echad [Hear, O Israel, the LORD [YEHO-
               VAH] our God, the LORD [YEHOVAH] is one], and you are to love ADONAI your God with all
               your heart, with all your soul, with all your understanding and with all your strength."'" Also, in
               John 17:3: "And eternal life is this: to know you, THE ONE TRUE GOD, and him whom you sent,
               Yeshua the Messiah." As the apostle Paul put the matter in I Corinthians 8:6, "yet for us there is
               ONE GOD, THE FATHER, from whom all things come and for whom we exist; and one Lord,
               Yeshua the Messiah, through whom were created all things and through whom we have our being."

                       The confusion arises when people misunderstand the basic idea of  agency. As the chief
               agent of YEHOVAH, Christ does carry out the Divine Will. So, in that sense, He too can be seen
               as King, Judge, Shepherd, Redeemer, Savior and Lord. But -- and remember this -- He is NEVER
               called YEHOVAH, and all such roles are clearly given to him by YEHOVAH Himself. States
               James Tabor: "Shared rulership, task, and mission, DO NOT IMPLY SHARED IDENTITY. For
               example, according to Revelation 3:21 the Messiah promises his faithful followers that they can
               'sit with me on my throne, as I sat with my Father (YEHOVAH) on His throne.' The idea here is
               unity of task and mission, NOT a merging of personal identity" (The LORD (YHVH) God and His

                       There are a number of New Testament passages which show Christ as REFLECTING THE
               IMAGE of YEHOVAH God -- see II Corinthians 4:4, Colossians 1:15 and Hebrews 1:3. Once
               again -- and please understand it -- this is not to be confused with identity. Writes James Tabor --
               "An image is just what the word implies, representation. The idea here is that YEHOVAH Him-
               self is invisible and unseen, but the Messiah [Christ] can REFLECT an image of God. In other
               words, the Messiah [Christ] can function as a human representation and manifestation of God. One
               must NEVER confuse the reflection, no matter how perfect, with the One reflected" (ibid.). For
               example, the angel of YEHOVAH in the Old Testament could speak for God and represent Him
               with full power and authority -- He was a visible manifestation of the Invisible One whom no man
               can see or behold (Exodus 3:2; 23:20-21). But remember this -- NEVER are the two confused.

                       Christ is also called "Son of God." But this does not make him YEHOVAH God, rather it
               implies faithfulness and intimacy -- such as we see in II Samuel 7:14! The son remains just that -- a
               "son." As such, he carries out the will of his Father, YEHOVAH God. As we see in I Corinthians
               15:28, NEVER are the roles confused.

                                                  Christ As High Priest

                       In Zechariah 6:12-13 we find a passage that is quite extraordinary in its implications --

                       Then speak to him, saying, "Thus says the LORD [YEHOVAH, YHVH] of hosts, saying:
                       Behold, the Man whose name is the BRANCH! From His place He shall branch out, and

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