Page 23 - BV4
P. 23

                       I was watching in the night visions, and behold, One like the Son of Man [Christ],
                       coming WITH THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN! He came to the Ancient of Days [Yehovah,
                       YHVH], and they brought Him near before Him. Then to Him [Christ] was given
                       DOMINION AND GLORY AND A KINGDOM, that all peoples, nations, and languages
                       should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away,
                       and His kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed.

                       For centuries Christians -- and even the Churches of God -- have been thoroughly confused
               over these two events and placed their hope and expectations and yearnings on the return of Jesus
               Christ while relegating Yehovah (YHVH) and His return to the dust bin! While the return of Christ
               is not to be minimized -- the FAR GREATER, earthshaking, awesome mind-reeling event is that
               of the "SHEKINAH" GLORY RETURNING TO THIS EARTH to reside and rule from the Temple
               in Jerusalem!  THIS is the event pictured in Revelation 19! All the prophets of the Old Testament
               clearly predicted a visible, awesome, literal manifestation of the "Shekinah" Glory of YEHOVAH
               once again -- this we see in Revelation 19.

                       Much too often Christians have allowed themselves to hastily read through the texts, all the
               while ASSUMING that when the prophets write of YEHOVAH Himself acting in decisive ways,
               they actually refer to His Messiah. How often have you heard preachers and ministers say that
               "when Jesus returns, his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives." Unfortunately, this is CARELESS
               AND UNSCHOLARLY exegesis. As you can plainly see, after reading all the texts I have laid out,
               the prophets ALWAYS maintain a CLEAR DISTINCTION between the DRAMATIC APPEAR-
               ANCE of the LORD God (YHVH) in Revelation 19 and the coming of the Messiah in Revelation
               14:14, and His subsequent rule UNDER Yehovah.

                       The prophets understood this dramatic, personal intervention of YEHOVAH in history as a
               RETURN or "Second Coming." We read in Haggai that God declares: "ONCE MORE in a little
               while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land" (2:6). Isaiah
               clearly yearns for this time to arrive:

                       Oh, that You would rend the heavens and COME DOWN, that the mountains might
                       quake at Your ["Shekinah"] PRESENCE -- as fire kindles the brushwood, as fire causes
                       water to boil -- to make Your name known to Thine adversaries, that the nations may
                       tremble at Your Presence! When You did awesome things which we did not expect, YOU
                       DID COME DOWN, the mountains quaked at Thy ["Shekinah"] presence. For from of
                       old they have not heard nor perceived by ear, neither has the eye seen a God besides You,
                       who acts in behalf of the one WHO WAITS FOR HIM (Isaiah 64:1-4).

                       Also, in Isaiah 24, the prophet proclaims --

                       Behold, YEHOVAH lays the earth waste, devastates it, distorts its surface, and scatters its
                       inhabitants...They raise their voices, they shout for joy. They cry out from the west con-
                       cerning the majesty of YEHOVAH. Therefore glorify YEHOVAH in the east, the name
                       of YEHOVAH, the God of Israel in the coastlands of the sea...So it will happen IN THAT
                       DAY, that YEHOVAH will punish the host of heaven, on high, and the kings of the
                       earth, ON EARTH...Then the moon will be abashed and the sun ashamed, FOR YEHO-

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