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P. 22

                       The title in Revelation 19:16 expresses YEHOVAH (YHVH) THE FATHER'S rulership
               over all creation and all the kings and lords therein. It is equivalent to the phrase "King of kings of
               kings" which the Jewish Siddur (prayer book) applies to YHVH in this song which introduces the
               Sabbath in many Jewish homes --

                       Welcome, ministering angels, messengers from the Most High,
                       from the King of kings of kings, the HOLY ONE, blessed be he.
                       Come in peace....bless me with peace,...go in peace...." (Jewish New Testament
                       Commentary, p. 840).

                       When we add all these proofs up, the clear and astounding TRUTH is that Revelation 19
               pictures the glorious RETURN OF GOD'S "SHEKINAH" PRESENCE to this earth to rule, with
               the Messiah directly under Him, from the new Third Temple in Jerusalem. May God hasten that

                       So, what of the return of Christ? If Revelation 19 depicts the "Shekinah" return to this earth,
               do the Scriptures elsewhere record the future event of Christ's Second Coming? They surely do --
               in Revelation 14:14. Notice!

                       Then the scene changed and I saw a white CLOUD, and Someone sitting on it who
                       looked like JESUS, who was called "THE SON OF MAN," with a CROWN of solid gold
                       upon His head and a sharp sickle in His hand. Then an angel came from the Temple [in
                       heaven] and called out to Him, "Begin to use the sickle, for the TIME HAS COME for
                       You to reap; the harvest is ripe ON THE EARTH. So the One sitting ON THE CLOUD
                       swung His sickle over the earth, and the harvest was gathered in" (verses 14-16).

                       This passage pictures the return of Christ -- NOT Revelation 19! The book of Acts in the
               New Testament verifies this, if we care to read it carefully:

                       And after he [Christ] said these things, while they [the apostles] were looking on, he was
                       lifted up and A CLOUD CAUGHT HIM UP FROM THEIR VISION. And as they were
                       gazing into the sky while he was on his way, also, look! two men in white garments stood
                       alongside them, and they said: "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky?
                       This Jesus who was received up from you into the sky WILL COME THUS IN THE
                       Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures).

                       Now HOW did Christ go up into the sky? Was He on a white horse? No! Did He have the
               armies of heaven with Him? No! Was His robe soaked in blood and was He wearing MANY
               crowns? No! The simple truth is that "a cloud caught Him up from their [the Apostles] vision" as
               He was lifted up into the sky, and Revelation 14:14 shows Him RETURNING THE EXACT
               SAME WAY with one difference -- this time He is wearing the crown of rulership and bringing
               the saints with Him!

                       Daniel 7:13 records Christ receiving this crown of rulership -- notice:

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