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The Amalekites of the Bible!                                                              85

                       Ac cord ing to the ex perts, the “style” of the pa py rus is in con for mance with that of lit er ary
                ex am ples FROM THE MIDDLE KINGDOM.

                       Let author Velikovsky set the scene:

                       There was no lon ger any ROYAL POWER in Egypt [fol low ing the Ex o dus and the death of
                       the pha raoh in the Gulf of Aqaba]. In the fol low ing weeks the cit ies turned into scenes of
                       loot ing. Jus tice ceased to func tion. The mob dug in the de bris and in the pub lic re cords,
                       where con tracts, notes and pledges, and deeds to real prop erty were filed. The plun der ers
                       searched among the wreck age of the royal store houses. --  Ibid, p.37.

                       Notice, now, what the Papyrus Ipuwer says:

                PAPYRUS 6:9: For sooth, the laws of the judg ment-hall are cast forth. Men walk upon [them] in
                the pub lic places.

                10:3: THE STOREHOUSE OF THE KING is in the common property of everyone.

                       “The pa py rus fur nishes in for ma tion as to what hap pened af ter wards. The earth’s crust re -
                peat edly con tracted in vi o lent spasms (‘years of noise’). The roads be came im pass able -- ‘dragged’
                and ‘flooded’ (Pa py rus 12:11f.). The realm was de pop u lated, and Ipuwer be wails the ‘lack of peo -
                ple.’ The res i dence of the pha raoh was a heap of ru ins. Gov ern men tal au thor ity was com pletely
                shat tered. ‘Be hold, the chiefs of the land flee’ (8:14); ‘Be hold, no of fices are in their (right) place,
                like a fright ened herd with out a herds man’ (9:2). The ‘poor men’ who ran away roamed the desert.
                Slaves WHO REMAINED in Egypt raised their heads.” (Ages in Chaos, p.37).

                       Ipuwer says: “For sooth, pub lic of fices are opened and their cen sus-lists are taken away.”
                (Pa py rus 6:7).

                       At this point INVADERS ap proached    Egypt out of the desert gloom. They crossed the
                EASTERN DEFENSES and en tered the dev as tated land:

                PAPYRUS 3:1: For sooth, the Desert is through out the land. The nomes are LAID WASTE. A

                       The ten plagues that re duced Egypt to rub ble, and the death of the pha raoh and his troops in
                the Red Sea, was a SIGNAL to the Amalekites who had reached Syria from Ara bia.

                PAPYRUS 15:1: What has hap pened? -- through it is to cause the ASIATICS to know the con di -
                tion of the land.

                14:11: Men -- They have come to an end for them selves. There are NONE FOUND to stand and
                pro tect them selves.

                       Af ter be ing ren dered de fense less by the ca tas tro phes cre ated by the plagues and the drown -
                ing of the Egyp tian army in the Red Sea, the Egyp tians could not de fend them selves. It is un clear

                The Berean Voice
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