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                 of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes.”     The River Chebar  equates with the mod ern  Khabur
                                                                (an cient Chaboras), which en ters the Eu phra tes in east -
                 2 Kings 18                                     ern Syria.
                                                                Gozan is a trib u tary of the Khabur. Al ter nately, it is the
                 “And the king of As syria did carry away Is rael unto As - re gion  west of the Khabur known to the Greeks as
                 syria, and put them in Halah and in Har bor by the river of Gauzanitis; so named many cen tu ries af ter the de por ta -
                 Gozan, and in the cit ies of the Medes.”       tions.
                                                                Halah and Har bor  are towns in the Khabur area.
                 Inscription of Sargon                          Hara Harran (Charran) is the Syr ian city where Abra -
                                                                ham so journed.
                 “(In the be gin ning of my reign) the city of Sa maria I be - The cit ies of the Medea were towns of north ern Iran.
                 sieged, I cap tured...27,280  of its in hab it ants  I car ried
                 away;...” (Sayce’s As syria).                  The As syr ian  mon archs  -- who trans planted  many
                                                                other na tions as well as Is rael -- were not con cerned
                 Apocrypha Book of Tobit                        merely with pu ni tive mea sures. Had this been the case
                                                                it would have been far sim pler to ex ter mi nate the van -
                 “...Tobit,...of the tribe of Naphthali; Who in the time of quished peo ples,  for mass slayings were com mon -
                 Enemessar king of the Assyrians was led cap tive out of place. The Assyrians were de ter mined to con trol a vast
                 Thisbe, which is at the right hand of that city, which is em pire  of sub ject  peo ples  and they used these
                 called prop erly Nephthali in Gal i lee above Aser...and I did  large-scale en forced mi gra tions as a means of pre vent -
                 many alms-deeds to my breth ren,  and my na tion,  who ing pos si ble re sur gence on the part of the cap tive na -
                 came with me to Nineve,...And I went into Me dia, and left tions. Up rooted  from their home lands,  the pa tri otic
                 in trust with Gabael, the brother of Gabrias, at Rages a city urge was weak ened and the cap tives were oc cu pied for
                 of Me dia ten tal ents of sil ver.”            many years in set tling  down in their new ter ri tory,
                                                                though pay ing trib ute to their con quer ors.
                 Josephus, Antiquities, Book IX
                                                                The Assyrians usu ally  took good care to place their
                 “...The king of As syria, sieged Sa maria three years,... cap tives in re gions re mote from their na tive lands. For
                 and quite de mol ished the gov ern ment of the Is ra el ites, and in stance, Tiglath-Pileser car ried the Syr i ans to Kir (the
                 trans planted all the peo ple into Me dia and Per sia;...”  River Cyrus?), near the Cau ca sus in the “Up per Me -
                                                                dia” men tioned  by Josephus (An tiq uities, Book IX)
                 Apocrypha Book of 2 Esdras 13                  “and trans planted the peo ple of Da mas cus into the Up -
                                                                per Me dia,  and brought a col ony  of Assyrians, and
                 “Those are the ten tribes, which were car ried away pris on - planted them in Da mas cus”; whilst ac cord ing to this
                 ers out of their own land in the time of Osea the king, same au thor ity  (An tiq uities, Book XI) the ter ri tory of
                 whom Salmanasar the king of As syria  led away cap - the Ten Tribes was re pop u lated with peo ple of “Per sia
                 tive,...”                                      and Me dia.”  There could be no back-trail ing  from
                                                                these far-off lands, for great rivers and lofty moun tain
                 Jewish Encyclopedia Article: Captivity         ranges would have made any such ef fort hard in deed.

                 “...The sec ond de por ta tion took place af ter the con quest of A crit i cal ex am i na tion of the col lated in for ma tion con -
                 Sa maria...which con quest was fol lowed by the de mo li tion firms the fact that the Ten Tribes were car ried be yond
                 of the north ern king dom.”                    the Tigris and Eu phra tes. They were soon to trek west -
                                                                wards, via Scythia, to Eu rope.  -- Bi ble Re search
                                                                Hand book

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