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The Amalekites of the Bible!                                                              83

                                              The Flight of the Amalekites

                       When the land of Egypt was con vulsed by the plagues of YEHOVAH God, sim i lar judg -
                ments fell upon neigh bor ing civ i li za tions -- in clud ing that of Ara bia. Masudi, an Arab his to rian
                who died about 956 A.D., re lates the tra di tion of a tre men dous CATASTROPHE that struck the
                Amalekites, and tells of “swift clouds, ants and other signs of the LORD’S RAGE,” when MANY
                PERISHED IN MECCA. Ev i dently,      a tremendous tor rent  of wa ter  over whelmed  the land of
                Djohainah; and the WHOLE POPULATION drowned in a sin gle night.

                       The scene of this ca tas tro phe is known by the name of “Idam” (Fury); and Omeyah, son of
                Abu-Salt of the tribe of Takif, al luded to this event in the fol low ing verse: “In the days of yore, the
                Djorhomites set tled in Tehama, and a VIOLENT FLOOD car ried all of them away.”

                       The Amalekites were PUT TO FLIGHT by these plagues that fell upon them IN ARABIA;
                and in their es cape  they fol lowed  the storm-clouds to wards  Egypt. Mean while,  MECCA WAS
                DESTROYED IN A SINGLE NIGHT amidst a ter ri ble         noise; and THE LAND BECAME A
                DESERT. His to rian Masudi re lates this di sas ter:

                       From el-Hadjoum up to Safa ALL BECAME DESERT; in MECCA the nights are si lent, no
                       voice of pleas ant talk. WE DWELT THERE, but in a most tu mul tu ous night in the most ter -
                       ri ble of dev as ta tions WE WERE DESTROYED.

                       Velikovsky picks up the story flow:

                       In tu mult and dis or der, flee ing the om i nous signs and plagues and driv ing their herds of an i -
                       mals in fu ri ated  by EARTHQUAKES and evil por tents,  THE FUGITIVE BANDS OF

                       This suc ces sion of phe nom ena helps us to rec og nize that they oc curred AT THE TIME OF
                       THE ISRAELITES’ ESCAPE FROM EGYPT, also vis ited by plagues. They [the Is ra el ites]
                       also wit nessed  the de struc tive  flood at the sea of pas sage,  at Pi-ha-khiroth, SHORTLY
                       BEFORE THEY MET THE AMALEKITES. -- Ages in Chaos, p. 62.

                       The Is ra el ites met the flee ing Amalekites FOR THE FIRST TIME a few days af ter they had
                crossed the Gulf of Aqaba into the land of Midian.

                                                 The Invasion of Egypt

                       No tice, now, what hap pened to the Amalekites AFTER be ing de feated by the Is ra el ites at

                       They left Ara bia  af ter  a SERIES OF PLAGUES, and im me di ately  af ter  a VIOLENT
                       EARTHQUAKE. Many of them per ished dur ing the mi gra tion in a SUDDEN FLOOD that
                       swept the land of Ara bia. They sighted the ISRAELITES com ing out of Egypt, which was
                       laid in ru ins by a GREAT CATASTROPHE. In this ca tas tro phe the wa ter in the river turned

                The Berean Voice
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