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                       off like sheep to be butchered! SEPARATE THEM (the wicked) FOR THE DAY OF

                       Are they separated into the false sabbaths of the Babylonian Mysteries?

                       How long must the earth mourn and all its green grass wither? ……..because its people
                       are so wicked; because they say, ‘Elohim does not see what we are doing.’  Jahwah says:
                       ‘I have abandoned the House of Israel; I have rejected my chosen nation; I have given the
                       people I love into the power of their enemies.  My chosen people have turned against me;
                       Like a LION in the forest, they have roared against me, and I HATE THEM.

                       Remember Babylon is referred to as LIONS in Jeremiah 51:38.  Going on with Jeremiah

                       My chosen people are like a bird attacked from all sides by vultures; come, gather to-
                       gether, all you beasts of the field!  Come and eat!  Many PASTORS HAVE DESTROY-
                       ED MY VINEYARD (Israel);  They have trodden My portion under foot; They have
                       made My pleasant portion a DESOLATE (Shemamen) wilderness.  They have set up
                       SHAMEM, to my sorrow.  The whole earth/land/erets is committed (to) SHAMEM, and
                       NO ONE CARES.  The destroyers have come against ALL the high places (like Moun-
                       tains -- Towers of Babel) in the wilderness: for the sword of Jahwah will DEVOUR from
                       the end of the earth to the other end of the earth; no flesh is safe or can find the means of
                       escape/peace!  They have sown wheat, but have REAPED TARES/ weeds: They have
                       worked hard, i.e. have worn themselves out but profit/gain nothing.  SO BEAR THE
                       SHAME OF YOUR HARVEST because of Jahwah’s fierce anger.

                       Lamentations 1:4-7 also talks about Shamem:

                       The CUSTOMS of Zion do mourn because/as long as NO ONE is lifting up/going
                       to/coming to her appointed times/set-time festivals (4150 - moed) (Baal-Shamem dwells
                       in the Sacred Temples of Jahwah's Sabbaths);  SHAMEM dwells in all her gates; Her
                       priests despair; Her cities/virgins are afflicted and are sorely grieved.  Her adversaries
                       have become THE HEAD.  Those who are her enemies are unconcerned.  Because Jah-
                       wah himself has brought grief to her on account of the abundance of her transgressions.
                       Her young children are gone – taken captive by the adversary.  All splendour/glory has
                       vanished from the daughter of Zion.  (It’s the daughter not the mother.)  Her leaders have
                       become like stags which find no pasture, exhausted, as THEY FLEE BEFORE THE

                       Who is this hunter? It is none other than Nimrod, himself. “He was a mighty hunter
               before/against Jahwah; therefore it is said, ‘Even as NIMROD, the MIGHTY HUNTER, before/
               against Jahwah. (Gen. 10:9)

                       Jerusalem remembers during the days of her affliction and wandering (the wilderness of
                       wandering to and fro), all the precious things that were hers in ancient time (in the time of

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