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                       her iniquity/sin. It is the time of Jahwah’s vengeance;  He will repay her what she de-
                       serves. Babel/Babylon was like a GOLD CUP IN MY HAND, MAKING THE WHOLE
                       WORLD DRUNK.  The nations drank its wine and went out of their minds.

                       Rev. 17: 2 again relates how the whole world has drunk from this cup:  “With whom the
               kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabiters of the earth have been made drunk
               with the wine of her fornication.”  Again related in Rev. 18:3: “For ALL nations have drunk of the
               wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with

                       We would have healed Babylon, but she cannot be healed;  we must leave her to her fate,
                       and all go home as her judgment reaches up to heaven; it has mounted up to the stars.
                       (stars -- Septuagint)

                       Her sins and judgment reaching into the heavens is again related in Revelation 18:5 and 6:
               “For her sins have reached unto heaven, and  hath remembered her iniquities.  Reward her even as
               she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: IN THE CUP which she
               hath filled FILL TO HER DOUBLE.”

                       This scripture is also a reminder of Isa. 14:13.  “For thou (Lucifer/Satan) hast said in thine
               heart, ‘I will ASCEND INTO HEAVEN, I will exalt my throne ABOVE THE STARS OF El; I
               will sit also up the Mount of Moed/place of the festivals on the sides of the north.’”

                       Jahwah hath brought forth our righteousness. Come, and let us declare in Zion the work
                       of Jahwah our Elohim…….Lift up a banner/standard against the walls of Babylon! Rein-
                       force the guard, station the watchmen, prepare an ambush!  Jahwah will carry out his pur-
                       pose – his decree against the inhabitants of Babylon.  O thou that DWELLEST UPON
                       MANY WATERS, abundant in treasures, THINE END IS COME.

                       This scripture again links with the beast and whore of Rev. 17:1 …..”Come hither; I will
               shew unto thee the JUDGMENT OF THE GREAT WHORE THAT SITTETH UPON MANY

                       Your destiny is CERTAIN.  ….He (Jahwah Sebaoth) hath made the earth by HIS
                       POWER, He hath established the world by His wisdom, and HATH STRETCHED OUT
                       THE HEAVEN BY HIS UNDERSTANDING.

                       The heavens were created by the wisdom and understanding of Jahwah not by the under-
               standing of the Chaldeans (astrologers) who brought forth the worship/calendar of the Sacred
               Hebdomad – the pagan week – the false sabbaths honoring Venus, Saturn, and the Sun.  Jahwah's
               true weekly Sabbaths – appointments to come into His presence – are declared by the phases of the
               moon, not by the Sacred Hebdomad.

                       …...Every man is stupid in his knowledge.  (or, Every man is stupid, lacking knowledge.)
                       Every artisan is put to shame by his idol.  His images are a fraud/lie; they have no breath/
                       life in them.  They are vanity/worthless, the work of errors/delusion that will perish in

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